Chapter 24

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Autumn's POV

My first discussion is today.

It seems pretty painless so far.

They had put a few offers on the table, one for 3 years, one for 5 and one for 7.

Just as they were explaining the details, I got a call from another team.

The Washington Capitals.

I quickly excuse myself to answer.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone. 

"Hi Ms. Sanders, the Capitals organization was wondering if you were willing to have a contract discussion with us." The voice of whoever was speaking for the organization said. 

"I'm currently in the middle of the opening stages of a discussion as we speak, would I be able to call you back and figure something out from there?" I asked.

"Of course, I didn't mean to interupt anything. Give us a call when you're not busy." He says, almost apologetically. 

"Thank you, have a nice day!" I say back before hanging up.

"I'm sorry about that. I think I may have just gotten another offer. Would we be able to discuss this at a later date, so I can explore my opportunities?" I ask, wanting to get out of this.

"Of course, Ms. Sanders. Let us know if we should schedule a meeting. Good luck in your search!" Jeff Gorton says to me, shaking my hand. 

"Thank you. I'll be speaking to you within the coming week." I say, exiting the room.

I call back the Capitals, asking where I would have to go if I wanted to engage in a discussion.

They told me that I would be able to go to the NHL Headquarters on the Avenue of the Americas to dsicuss with the team over phone.

I decided the head down to the offices, just to dabble in the opportunities a bit.

After a short talk with security, I am finally allowed into a room.

I call the organization and they start giving me offers.

I get similar offers as I got from the Rangers, but I was also offered a 2 year.

These similarities were only in the lengths of the contracts, the Capitals had offered much less. 

I politely decline the offers and end the discussion. 

I am called on this phone by another team. 

The Boston Bruins.

The team I grew up watching.

I discuss over the phone with them, only getting one offer. 

That offer was for 4 years at the same price that the Capitals were discussing for 5 years.

I counter the offer by bringing down the price and knocking the length down to 2 years.

The organization declines the counter and we decide to go our separate ways, taking our business elsewhere mutually.

I get calls from a few other teams. 

In particular, the Blackhawks, the Kings and the Sabres. 

I immeadiately declined the offer from the Kings, not only because of the bias, because the offer was not satisactory.

I had a long discussion with the Blackhawks, the team willing to dish out a satisfactory offer.

The Sabres were very willing but they did not simply give off the same message that the Rangers and the Blackhawks did.

I am now in contract discussions with the Rangers and the Blackhawks. 

A few days pass and I am still countering offers back and forth with the two teams.

Finally, the Blackhawks take a step back in their offers, lowering the duration but keeping the price.

The Rangers take this chance to extend the duration and take on a bit more cash.

At this point, I finally realize where I am needed.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to have to decline your contract offers, they are great but not exactly what I am looking for. Thank you for your time." I tell the general manager before hanging up the phone.

I make my way to the Headquarters and into the office that I have been discussing contracts in.

I call the other team and call for a final discussion in contract proceedings at this office. 

The organization representatives arrive within the next half hour and we finalize a deal.

A deal that everyone would have a different opinion about. 

But one very important person will certainly be happy about it.

I will be on the medical staff of the New York Rangers for the next six years.

The organization soon announces the agreement and there is positive feedback on the deal.

Everything is filed and approved by the League.

All is well in the world of my own contract negotiations.

A/N Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I do not know if this is actually how contract proceddings work but this is how I'm going to portray it. Please leave your feedback in the form of votes or comments or both and I'll see you next time! Byeeeeee

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