Chapter 16

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Autumn's POV

So Erica is going to come pick me up so she can dye my hair in a few hours.

I wake up before Chris so I head down to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decide on bacon and eggs for us.

I grab the carton of eggs and the bacon out of the fridge and also take the pan out of the cupboard.

I spray some PAM on the pan before heating it. While it's heating up, I break the eggs and scramble them in a bowl.

I toss the bacon in the pan and cook it.

Once that's done, I take it out and put it in some foil to keep it warm until Chris decides to wake up.

I pour in the eggs and cook those as well. Once those are done, I put them on a plate and cover that with foil as well.

Foil is like my best friend in the kitchen, honestly.

I take out the bread from the cabinet, or at least try to.

I never understand why Chris constantly puts the bread up in one of the top cabinets, he knows I can't reach it.

I see another arm reach up and grab the bread for me.

Chris has finally gotten his ass out of bed. Thank goodness, I was getting lonely.

"Go take a seat at the bar, I'll bring you food in two minutes. Want some toast?" I say, kissing his cheek.

"Sure baby, thank you!" He says, taking a seat.

I toss two pieces of bread in the toaster as I bring over the plate of bacon and eggs.

I put the plates down in front of us, already having two plates and forks in front of our seats.

I sit down next to Chris, who pulls me closer to him and kisses me on the temple and mumbles a thank you into my skin. I twist my body and grab his face and kiss his lips, quickly and gently, before turning back and putting some breakfast foods on my plate. Just as I start eating, the toaster pops.

I groan and start to stand up but Chris stands up faster. "I got it, babe, eat." He says, pushing me down gently.

I start eating as Chris sits back down with the toast and the butter.

"God, you know me so damn well," I say, grabbing the butter.

We finish breakfast and I start putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Go get ready, baby, I'll finish up here," He says, taking the dishes out of my hands. I lean up and kiss him on the nose before walking into my room to change and stuff.

I tie my second-day hair into a messy bun. I pull a black cami on over my head and put my signature black skinny jeans and my black Vans.

I grab my phone off the charger and text Erica, telling her I'm ready.

She tells me that she'll be here in 10 minutes. I walk into the living room to see Chris watching Goon on the couch.

I sit down between his legs and he pulls me closer to him. I'm laying down with him with my back pressed to his chest. He starts to kiss my neck, gently when I get the text from Erica telling me that she's outside the building.

"Bye babe, Erica's outside." I tell him, kissing him quickly and getting up.

I go to grab my keys when they aren't on the hook.

"Babe, where are my keys?" I ask, turning to Chris in the living room.

"Catch!" He says, throwing my keys at me. I catch them with my left hand, what used to be my glove side.

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