Chapter 19

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Autumn's POV

We decide to head home, I mean back to Boxford, a few weeks after breakup day.

Chris and I still have our first house together in Boxford from when we went to BC together, which I find just amazing.

"It's almost as if nothing changed, babe." I say, wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head on his back. I feel him laughing.

"That's true, sweetheart." He says, turning his body around and leaning against the wall he was putting a new picture frame onto.

"What's this?" I say, gesturing to the picture he had just hung up.

"It's us when we were at Coney Island eating dinner on the beach," He says, jogging my memory to when we were feeding each other french fries.

I smile, to see his somewhat crooked smile that I know and love.

"I love you, baby girl. I hope you know that," He says, kissing the top of my head.

"I think you've mentioned it like once or twice." I say, smirking a little.

******SMUT WARNING********

Out of no where, Chris slings me over his shoulder and runs into our bedroom, which involves some stairs so I did get a face-full of Kreider-ass a few times but I can't complain, he has a great butt.

He places me on the bed and starts kissing my neck, finding my sweetspot within sheer seconds.

I let out a quiet moan and wrap my legs around the lower part of his torso.

He begins to toy with the hem of my red v-neck as his lips find mine.

I bite his lip gently, something I know he is a complete sucker for as a louder groan escapes his lips.

His hands begin to trail up my shirt, running his fingers up and down my bare sides. This alone sends shivers down my spine.

He, again, tugs gently at the bottom of my shirt, wordlessly asking permission to take it off, which I grant to him with a nod.

He swiftly pulls my shirt over my head and off as he does the same to his navy blue tee.

His head dives to my now-exposed breasts, since I wasn't wearing a bra.

His hands begin to knead at them as he starts to kiss and suck on them, knowing that he will leave marks.

I let a moan out, expecting it to be louder than it really was.

"Chris," I say, suddenly out of breath.

"Are you sure you want to do this baby?" He asks, looking directly into my grey eyes.

I nod confidently.

He plants his lips back onto mine and begins to slide down my shorts, exposing my black and white panties, which he also removes in due time.

Kicking off his shorts and boxers, he brings a large hand down toward my core and slides two fingers in, startling me somewhat but in a good way.

I moan, which seems to egg him on as he adds another finger.

"Chris, I'm abo---" I begin to say but he pulls his fingers out, leaving me feeling empty.

I begin to regain my breath, only to have it taken away again by him slamming into me unexpectedly.

I moan loudly, trying to grip his back and leaving scratches.

His pace quickens and slows but never exactly comes to a full stop.

I reach my high as his pace quickens again and he knows it.

"C'mon, baby girl," He whispers with a raspy voice into my ear.

I come down from my high just as he reaches his.

A few moments later, he finishes.

*******SMUT OVER**********

He falls onto the bed next to me and passes me his shirt and my panties to put on as he pulls his boxers back on as well, knowing that I feel more comfortable.

I feel him wrap his arms around my waist and I mold into his side, resting my head on his chest.

"I love you, Autumn. I don't think I show I do enough," He whispers to me with his face pressed in my hair.

"I love you too, Chris. I really do." I say, feeling myself begin to doze off.

Half awake, I feel Chris pulling us under the blanket and resuming the position we were in.

He presses a kiss to my hair before I fall asleep.

A/N Hey guys! I hope you liked the chapter! I know, smut, how horrible of me? Hahaha, anyway, please leave your feedback in the form of votes or comments or both and I'll see you in the next chapter! Byeee

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