Chapter 26

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Feeling like it was better to wait until everyone was there he called Kuruka over. "Where's the guardians along with Crimson and Mist?" Asked Kion. "Well Tempest and Straya are busy doing their guardian duties so they won't make it but said they held no ill towards you so you were good, and I don't know about Crimson or Mist considering they were together when I directly told them." Said Kuruka. "I see, what were their reactions?" He asked. "Well at first they thought I was pranking them, but they realized pretty quickly it wasn't a joke and Mist looked maybe excited while Crimson snarled, they both ran this way as well so I don't know what happened to them." Said Kuruka. As soon as she finished saying that though a grey blur tackled Kion into the tall grass and the sound of joyous giggling could be heard. "Found Mist." Called Shinda as everyone started laughing. It took Kion a bit to get her off of him. "Jeez Mist, you know how I feel about you doing that." Said Kion. "Be grateful she won our game otherwise I would've been the tackler and I would be trying to kick your butt." Said a more strict and dark female voice he knew only to belong to Crimson, Mists older sister. "Hey Crimson, nice to see you to." Said Kion. "What's this about Kion, some of us have things to do." Said Blaine trying to get this boulder rolling.

"Alright I know when I left I did so in a rather difficult time probably hurting a lot of you in the process, but my family was in need of a home so I brought them here and now I am here before you hoping we can bury the issues you have with me in the hopes of reigniting our friendship." Said Kion as he waited for reactions. Like he expected Crimson wanted to lunge at him but Mist held her back. "Exactly how many lions have you brought here?" Asked Shinda. "Well I don't know the exact size of the Pride since I am not its leader but I know that my old territory here is more than large enough to contain our numbers so we do not intrude on any of your terf." Said Kion as he knew that was why she wanted to know. After they finished talking amongst themselves they decided to forgive him but warned Kion that if he abandoned them again they'd hunt him down, a threat Kion honestly had expected them to make since it was one he would've made back in the day.

Meanwhile Vitani was off with Kiara exploring the place. "So how's things with Leo going?" Asked Vitani. "They're going great, he is really kind and he's learning the role of king very quickly, he still has a ways to go before I let him make any vital decisions without me but I trust him to make good choices, what about you and Kion, and success in your endeavors?" She asked smiling. "Unfortunately no, I am no closer to convincing him that I want to start a family than I was when we joined your Pride." Said Vitani. "Eh, he'll come around, speaking of where is he, I haven't seen him in a while." Said Kiara. "I threatened to make his life a living nightmare unless he went to make amends with his friends, so who knows how that is going." Said Vitani. "Oh I wish I could be there to see this." Said Kiara. Both girls burst out laughing after this and moved on back to the prides area unaware that a pair of red eyes were watching them from the tall grass. "Welcome home Fang Crusher." Said a dark voice before the eyes faded into the darkness.

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