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Hope's POV...

Death is near.

I can sense it. How can't I when twenty armed soldiers are hunting for me. My name is Tate Lyla Hope and I won't get caught today, I apprise myself, but do I even believe in it? They are just soldiers and I am most powerful woman among the criminals. Yeah, that's supposed to help me now.

In the future I will probably be homeless. Or disabled. Even worse! I'll rot in a jail, my head will be shaved and I'll wear those hideous, orange onesies. Just because I spent my whole ridiculous twenty-years-old life robbing people I shouldn't mess with.

"Hope you have thirteen seconds left, hurry up." Deniz tells me in my earbud.

"I need few files from this bastard." I'm trying to transfer all his money on my account.

Deniz controls the cameras. I can hear reloading of weapons and footsteps of about ten men. "4 seconds..."

"Fuck! I'm done, turn on the fire alarm." I order. Even though I'm aiming to be calm it seems impossible, I'm panicking. Things didn't go as I planned. In two seconds folk's scream informs me that Deniz deleted all camera footage and I ought to leave.

"Hope I just broke one of the guard's nose, is this okay?" She asks and I can hear her rushing.

"I'm curious why not balls," I jumped out of the window when door was broken. I hold my breath, stuck against the brick wall. It wasn't easy to rob at a party of Minister of Internal Affairs.

And my phone rings. "Julienne?" I whisper-ask as I frown.

"Are you on that sick mission?" He yells so loud I have to distance phone from my ear. "Have you completely lost your mind?! You decided to meet your soul sisters in jail?! You'll die there and I won't even send flowers for your funeral!"

"Hope, hurry!" Deniz insists.

"... and your grandma will thank me!" When fool guards start checking the room I run on my tiptoes.

"There she is!" Shit! They saw me.

I notice car waiting for me and slide in. "Do you wanna stay alive?" I ask without breath.

"I guess," She says, confused.

"Then press that pedal!"

"What happened?"

"This kind man just transferred few millions to me." I make awe face, making her chuckle. Deniz drives too rapid, it feel like I'm in a Fast & Furious.

"It was last time I assisted. You realize you just robbed United States Armed Forces." She says, her tone rough from nerves. I forced her to come with me because, it was a party and I couldn't distract that man, do my job and take care of cameras. Okay, fine, I could do it but it was easier and faster with her.

"Outsmarting them felt much more powerful than I anticipated." We change the car in one of the dark and damp alleys of New York. She pulls to my apartment complex. "Good night, Chica."

"Sweet dreams,"

I hear my heels click on marble floor as I approach elevator. It takes forever to reach 14th floor. My bed never felt that heavenly. I do not bother to remove makeup or even lay properly, I just take dress off and go to sleep.

For some goddamn reason my phone rings. I don't want to answer it but it's ringing non-stop. It better be something important or I'll smash this phone. It's Deniz. "Sea, it better be million dollar job or I'm not responsible about myself."

"It's actually five million dollar job." My eyes widen. It's big money, biggest offer I've ever had. I'm working on people who wants information, money they want or money that belongs to them. I'm stalker, thief, bad guy and they pay me for it.

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