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Hope's POV...

I roll my eyes as I see the two of them sitting on sofa. I'm going out to see sunset, either way I'd die and won't look at that traumatizing scene. This animal made me spend three whole hours in the midday sun and he's getting with girl now. Asshole.

My legs are tanned but my breast BURNS. I can't move, I can't even breath properly. My skin feels like it has just been washed in lava, like one stretch and it breaks. It just hurts everywhere, I'm not even mentioning touching, I barely touched my skin while putting on cream.

After all, I can't stop thinking about the way he touched me. The electricity I felt was unreal, I was volcano that was about to erupt. I know he noticed my rapid heartbeat, shit. That girl straddles him as I take glass from shelf and pour water.

They're sitting right front of me. Okay just ignore them and leave, I tell myself. As I bring glass to my mouth they start making out. Kent's glimpse run to me. Our eyes meet and none of us break eye contact. He's not looking, he's staring at me. His look persistent and I answer the same.

Glass in my hands begs me to shoot it straight to his head. My face yells "you sadist asshole". I know his intention, he's showing me what I'm losing. The way he touched me, the way he looks at me, if he asks me I think I'll appear on his lap, immediately. No, no I need to clear my thoughts, I would never do that. Wait, what the fuck, he's blonde know. How is this possible?

I tighten my jaw. I hate the fact that he's kissing that girl in my, okay, our living room. Huh, great, his lips move down to her jaw as he smirks. Because of circumstances, I avert eye contact and turn to grab green apple.

When I turn back, they're already their way upstairs. I can already hear moan sound and I haven't even left the house yet. Disgusting.

I walk down the street, this neighborhood is so quiet and kind of abandoned, there are people living in all the houses, but they seem to be dead souls. Everything here is weird, this country is weird. I have feeling that someone is watching my every move.

The house we live is at the end of the street, and after it there are beautiful and big rocks. On the left is the view of the sea where our house stands, and on the right is the view of the city. There are many, white paths and stairs, I can see how crystal clear water is. The sea season is just starting, so there are few people on the beach.

Thankfully I found great spot, away from people, calm and covered. I sat on rock, crossed my legs to ankles and hugged knees. Lucky for me, I get to see the sunset.

Fifteen minutes passes like nothing. After everything I still sense that someone is watching me. It causes a feeling of nausea. Orange clouds, sea reflection and buildings. Inhale and exhale.

"You have chosen a good spot." I hear voice I wish I hadn't hear.

"Yeah" I answer and roll my eyes.

"I saw you from terrace. Can I?" He points next to me and I nod. He sits down and crosses his legs to ankles as he leans back on his hands.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your girl?" I cleared my throat and queried without looking at him. It's not because I'm trying to be rude and ignore him, view is just mesmerizing and I can't take my eyes off it.

"She's taking shower."

"I'm not only one who thinks someone is watching us, right?"

"No," and now all his attention is on me, "does it hurt?" He gives me serene gaze. I laugh involuntarily.

"Ridiculous. It does." I say, still laughing. I can't hide my concern and furrow brows. "Your back?"

"It does too." He smiles, wow he smiles. Emotionless robot just showed his cute dimples.

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