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Hope's POV...

"Okay, go on, delete recordings." I say in my earbud as I give lady glass of champagne from my tray.

"That's what I'm doing." He sings displeased and sarcastic sentence.

"I'm so intrigued how." I say. "Oh, I'll be entertained tonight when you end up in jail or well beaten." Chuckle escapes my lips.

"I'm not you, sweetheart." I roll my eyes as I put few cups on table.

"How are you getting in security room?"

"Remind me why you aren't going with my plan?"

"Because it included you alive." I say annoyed. "Your plan was stupidity."

"And that's why I'm in security room. You're welcome." I hear quick movements. I'm counting every second of chaos and gasps and whines and wonder if Kent is alright, If he isn't hurt.

"Hey, is everything okay?" After thirteen seconds he answers.

"Yeah," he's breathing hard as another hitting sound approaches my ear. "Yeah, now,"—he takes deep breath—"everything is okay."

Its already 11pm in 3 minutes. "Time to move on action." You have to be snake to make your way in this much people. What's worst part, they're all drunk and mindless.

"Pipes are hooded and cleaned with chlorine gas in every seven minutes." I only hear him breathe after this sentence.

"Seven minute is enough time. We already talked about it." I say, vexed.

"Don't do it. Go with my plan. It's chaos outside, no one will notice. Just trust me." Maybe it's my imagination, maybe it's hallucination but he's desperate with every word. I still don't trust him, maybe he's faking his worry.

"But you agreed earlier."

"No, I didn't."

"I have to do my job—"

"It's dangerous, goddamnit!" He makes effort to not explode. "There's huge chance that you could die."

"And that's not something you should care about."

"But I do!" Both of us are quiet, realizing what he just said. I'm frozen in place before I shake my head and walk again. Press delete button in your head, I command myself.

He never swears. I can't remember our single argument him cursing. But he does now. He swears under his breath. "Don't do it, love. Please."

"If not now, we will not have another opportunity. Guards went wild, looking for the Eye of Athena. It's our chance." I'm running on my tiptoes as I look at least hundred times behind, checking if anyone sees or follows me.

"If you won't be able to make to Vera's room—" I hear hurried clicks.

"I'll make it." I interrupt him. Am I really that confident as I sound? I hope so.

Room #309. I remember last fifteen minutes before I got here. Yeah, I did few bad things, for example I almost made out with some disgusting, drunk dude to get his room's key—I still feel nauseous—but at least I can get my plan to point where it successes.

Thanks god mask covers most of my face so no one notices me. I slide card on door, as I hear little beep I sneak inside. There it is, I need to find ventilation system now.

Whole room is upturned after solid ten minutes, but what's my fault? It's huge. Of course it's hard to find hidden square shape on wall or somewhere.

I found it. Right behind green velvet couch with golden feet. I push couch away. My hair is tucked behind ears as I kneel front of cage covered pipe. "found it."

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