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Kent's POV...

"Sato, are you sure this is correct location?"

"Yes, I'm sure," there's few seconds silence, "Kent I checked and there's nothing about changes. Give me minute." He hangs up.

I'm standing on the rooftop of high-rise and smoking. City is way more gray today than ever. I have seen many good views and I can say this is one of them. Every high-rise shows better and better view of city.

Today my biggest headache and I are going to Greece, but before I leave I can get another job. I'm waiting for them but they are late. I'm ready to leave but my phone rings.

"I can't contact them," I close my eyes. "I'll wait for you—"

"I know Sato." I interrupt his sentence. My phone slides in my coat's pocket when I decide to spend few more minutes here.

I inhale and exhale. Another glorious morning... makes me sick. People say that morning air is cleanest, but this city smells like shit in the morning too. What can I do, except leaving this place, but before I leave I want to take picture of sky. I reach my pocket to take out phone, I feel some fabric there. It's thong.

I walk to recycle bin, throw thin fabric and cigarette filter in it. I turn to head down but there was something on a railing, I saw something colorful. Curiosity will end me if I won't turn around and see that paper. Of course I'm on my way to see what it is. It's sticky note.

It's a tie now

So she knew about meeting. Inside I'm burning but I'm just smiling while I crumple paper. My hand runs to cigarette pack in other pocket but change my mind. I need to leave this goddamn building.

I sit and start vehicle. After long drive, I'm at the destination. Sato is already inside with our kidnapped. I enter in little warehouse, we are outside the city and there's almost desert around, only birds will hear his doomed screams.

"So that's our guest." I say, rolling up shirt sleeves while walking forward. He's tied to a chair and Sato has already beaten him well. Sato stands next to him with arms crossed over his chest. He nods, taps on that guy's shoulder and leaves.

"I won't say anything. What are you going to do? Beat me? Torture me?" He's looking at me disgusted and shoots fire from eyes.

"Chill," I say, turn chair, spread my legs each side of it and sit front of him. "What's your name?"

"Mike" He says with same attitude and spits on the side.

I turn my chair again and sit properly. "Listen Mike," I take out pocket knife and open it. "It'll be better for you to speak." I wait for any kind of reaction but nothing. "Let's do like that—"

"Like what?"

"I'll choose blood vessel and if you don't answer my question, or lie, I'll cut it." He looks up at me and he's definitely scared now. "So my first question is, do you know Ali?" He nods. I rest elbows on my knees and play with knife in my hands. "Are you informed that your boss stole two million dollar worth of merchandise from Ali?" He lightly laughs and nods again, like proudly saying how I shouldn't know.

"Where's stolen merchandise?" I put knife behind his knee.

"I won't tell you." He's says, so without giving him minute I cut his vein. Mike groans but still tries to hide pain. There's already a lot of blood.

"Mike, where's merchandise?" I repeat while placing knife behind his second knee. It's getting annoying. He's testing my patience. Tears came to his eyes, but he still tries to cope with pain. He tilts his head back and I slide knife roughly and quickly.

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