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Kent's POV...

I see Hope standing behind Vera, her face completely deleted, pale, confused. I bite back smile that tries so hard to spread on my lips.

The lips she kissed with her delicious lips.

Forget, just delete the memory of her touching you, I tell myself, but he won't even listen to me. He can't forget feeling of her lips against his, taste of her, touch of her. I'd kill to go back where she was ready to cut my throat, just to taste those lips again.

Every inch, every atom of her is perfect. I'm looking at her and think, how can human being be that unbelievable flawless. Unbearably, addictively soft.

"What are you looking at?" Vera asks as I see Hope walking at our direction.

"Nothing," I say. "I just..." I can't end sentence when I see picture of Ashton grabbing Hope's hand and leading her to the dance floor.

Her eyes run to me. I can see how hard she's trying to look away but she just won't. They're too close already, her waist is hold by Ashton as their bodies are sticked together.

And I picture, I picture every second of today's yacht party. The way he was kissing her, the way he touched her. I had invincible desire to cut both of his hands. I hate the fact that he's able to do that. I'm too selfish to share lips I once owned.

"You what?" Blonde girl asks. They're talking, just talking with quite serious faces.

"I thought I saw someone. I just needed minute to make sure it was him or not." I pretend to look at people but I know only one person I'm looking at.

"Oh," she says, "Oliver, I see you're looking at girl. Who's she?" I'm bit confused she noticed. "Come on, as a new friend I demand to hear about that beauty."

I laugh briefly. "My wife." I say, to my surprise very confidently. "Fake wife."

"Fake?" She laughs this time.

"All for inheritance."

"Wow. Surprisingly I understand. I want my father's legacy too. He just decided that I only get it after his death, unfortunately." She says, annoyed as her eyes roll.

Oh no

I'm trying to act naturally when I look at Hope. Without anticipating I see she's looking at me as well and she's... she's willing to escape from Ashton's arms and questions.

I have to talk to her. Right now.

"My father." These words take forever to be spoken. "He claimed, I'll be his heir if I marry soon. So here I am, with my fake wife." I made up another fairy tale.

"This shit is tough." She needs to talk more, I have to make her talk more.

"What's tough?" Vera corrects her mini black gown as she throws her blonde hair aside, getting ready for deeper talk.

"Inheritance. The fact that I'm billionaire's heiress doesn't mean I'm princess. I don't want to be under danger all the time, I don't want everyone claim me as their trophy." Her brows flashes as she takes deep breath.

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