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Kent's POV...

"What are we gonna do now?" Her fists are ready to fight. "You ruined everything!"

"I fixed it." I add and shoot another guard in the leg. But my moment gets ruined by Hope's loud gasp.

"You shot him!" She gawps.

"Great job. So those pretty eyes aren't painted on you." I stick wall and reload my pistol.

"I hate you."

"I know."

What's our exit strategy?" She asks.

"Our what?" I frown at her.

"Oh my god, we're going to die here." Panic is written all over her face. "So we should just fight our way out?" Hope asks, pointing pity hand at our way.

"Yes." I give her my attention when my eyes make their way down on her body. "You can't work without plan b, c and d, can you?" Grasping her hand we pass the luxurious grand game room door.

Scanning the area I see two of waiters walking towards us, murmuring and hurrying, there's no way we can hide. "Well love, you have to kiss me." I whisper to Hope who's standing front of me against wall.

"What?" She frowns

"Two of them are coming this way, so kiss me." I repeat but before she manages to refuse it I grab her face and smash our lips. She hesitates for a moment but then kisses me back with same pace as mine and more, few seconds in deep, passionate kiss she pulls me closer. My hands slip behind her ears, her hands are on my waist, our bodies sticking each other against the wall.

Even though we're making out I can't get enough of her lips, I want more and more, they taste the way no other woman tasted before and it drives me insane. Oh and only if she knew how fool I am for her.

She pulls away and I brush my thumb on her bottom lip. "They're gone." Breathing heavily Hope follows her gaze to that waiters. "It wasn't necessary to take it that seriously." She says in such a way that's called flirting.

"Did I ever go easy on you, love?" I ask with same attitude and smirk.

We hide behind the huge statue. So if we want to get away we need distraction object and the perfect target is... a vase. I shoot and as soon as it shatters pursuers' attention is on the direction where vase was. "Let's go." Both of us scamper to the main door. She's panting while looking around when we're outside. "Go and find the car."

I let her go and scout the area, having my gun aimed. Suddenly someone approaches me from behind I hit him my elbow, but then there's a weapon reloading sound from behind. It's alright, I can take care of them in two seconds. "Hands up!" One out of two barks at me and I slowly raise them. "Walk!"

Stepping forward I put hands behind my neck and chuckle. "Well, well, well, you're gonna need more than that." I point at gun and clasp hands joyfully. Unexpectedly car hits that man with speed of light and I manage to unarm other one instantly. "Ops, my bad." Hope says, looking from car's window and wearing jumpsuit I left for her.

"Darling, that was impressive." I tell her truly impressed.

"Thank you. Now get in!"

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