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Kent's POV...

"Do we really have to be here?" I mumble as I step out of threshold, looking at guests walking around with champagne glasses.

"I don't admire being here either." Sato sounds distracted, making me curious enough to look at him. He's checking out girls already.

"Clearly," I say, my gaze turning to people again. Light bubbles hang on ropes on top of table filled with alcohol, over-dressed influencers taking endless pictures. In one word, I'm bored. "Vera is here as well."

"You look like lost dog," Sato says. "Waiting for owner to arrive and pat you. Oh and she'll love every second of seeing you like that." He giggles.

"Who told you I'm looking for her? Because I'm not." I am.

"Yeah, of course lover boy."

I revolve my pistol in holster, on purpose so he can hear. "Say what?" With his hands in air he turns away.

She's not here yet. And so what? She's so dumbass, she suggested me to sleep with another woman. While I'm thinking Sato taps on my hurting arm. "Look at that one."

"Ow! Ow!" I pin him with look.

"Whoa, sorry." Long legs and short dress approaches us.

"Hey," Sato melts right next to me. "I wanted to ask you something." Her soft voice says.

"Yeah, go ahead." He nods.

"I know it's weird, but umm, my grandma really likes you," she points at old lady behind. "I wondered if you could give her your number?"

My mouth wrinkles, I want to laugh so bad. Biting back laughter is tougher than pain of being stitched. "She's lovely granny, but I'm sorry."

"Oh, okay." Blonde girl smiles a little and goes back to her grandma.

I laugh. Laugh, laugh and laugh. "Shut up," he mouths, my laughter infuriating him more. "Oh my god, I think it's first time in last three years I see you laugh. Okay, bright side of this embarrassment."

Meanwhile I catch glimpse of Hope and Alice. They both look magnificent. I'm in awe, watching Hope walk in with full confidence, making other men turn and stare. She's wearing quite revealing dress, waking urge to tear it up on her body in me.

Her legs, tanned and silky; skirt hugging her ass while she moves around; her chest...

"Man, what the hell are you doing? Are you going to give her what she wants?" Something hurts in my chest, physical pain.

"Exactly," I say, rubbing my chest.

Sato pets me whilst grinning like Cheshire cat. "Someone's about to start barking."

"Get off me."

"Sato, did you just rolled out of bad?" Hope says, her smile warm like summer breeze.

"Thank you for compliment," he rolls his eyes. "Although Hope, you look like goddess, for fuck's sake." He checks her up and down, being completely perplexed just as I am. "I'm actually speechless," he says.

"Were you expecting less?" She says, mockingly offended.

"Sato!" There's Alice, walking in our direction. "My dear friend, I want to show you something." She hooks her arm into his. "Oh, you look good too, dark prince." Winking they fade away in crowd.

She looks heavenly. Clearing throat she begins. "Go on, use your high quality dictionary. Tell me how glamorous I am tonight, or you rather tell me how hideous I look." She demands.

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