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Hope's POV

Kent warned me to not talk to people. He said that we might be in different country but no one is trustworthy. Yacht is not full of tourists but of distinguishing young society. Gucci handbags and diamond earrings. Most of them influencers or daddy's money wasters. There's up to 20 people. Everyone's on first floor, dancing, drinking.

I got invited when I was looking for dead body. Lady named Catherine asked me to attend her party. I accidentally saved her dog and she invited me to this horrendous party.

I'm standing alone, looking around. Kent went to bring me drink and got lost from my eyesight. I don't know anyone here and somehow everyone knows everyone. Someone is tapping on my shoulder.

"What a pleasant surprise."

"Ash, you're here." I say, definitely surprised. "So this was your 'little thing'?" I'm beaming because he's here, also he's only one known face here.

"Well, it's not ordinary party, it's my aunt's party. I had to be here."

"Your aunt? Catherine is your aunt?" My eyes are wide open.

"Yes. You know her?"

"She invited me, actually."

"Oh." He smirks, "what about ice-cream and going for a walk tonight? Like that night."

"I would love to but not today. What about tomorrow?" He nods and smiles at me. Looks me in my eyes. His eyes match water too well. They're both blue, so blue. So alive and sparkling as sunshine reaches them. Excited. His blond hair which is more of white on the daylight. It's way lighter than Kent's hair. Face; handsome. Strong jaw. Straight nose. Thin lips. Lifted brows.

That's when someone touches my waist and stands beside me. "Ashton, it's nice to see you here." Kent says and it's first time I see fake smile on his face.

"It's also nice to meet you, Oliver." Ash holds his hand in air but Kent looks at it and ignores. Ash clears his throat and puts hand in pocket. We're standing here awkwardly, none of us talking, just awkward smiles and deafeningly loud silence.

"Don't mind me, there's no need to protract." Kent says. "But it will be better if we appear like this in the eyes of people." He observes everything around. I'm confused. He doesn't know anyone here, why does he care so much about other's opinion. Maybe it's part of the plan. Or maybe he wants to mess with me again. I can't understand his twisted mind.

"It's alright. I have to go already. See you later Nancy." He nods me goodbye and walks to other guests.

"You don't know anyone here. Kent, why do you care about what people see? What are you hiding?" He looks down at me. Smiles. Tries to hide it.

"You have no idea what society you're in." He looks around as if he's looking for someone.


"And there's our invitations." He cuts me off. Holds my hand and leads me to someone.

"Why did you treat him like that? You think you're better than him? Better than anyone? You have unrealistic high self-esteem!" I'm dragged by him but manage to make him hear my low voice.

"I don't think I'm better than him, I know I am." Suddenly, he turns around and pushes me a little. I stumble and bump into someone. My anger and confusion is too visible I'm afraid of doing something stupid.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I say to woman who turns to me and smooths her pants. I realize she's not smoothing it, she's trying to remove stain her drink left.

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