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Kent's POV:

I feel my hand heavy. It's Hope. Her hand is attached to mine. I did it I know, for some reason I can't stay away from her, it's just so difficult for me. I try to raise myself and get used to sun. 

She's still sleeping, like an angel. So beautiful. I stroke her hair and stare at her sleeping face. Look around and pull other cuffs key. I remove metal from our wrists. Stand up. Put blanket on her. Walk down the stairs.

I receive phone call I already know from whom. "Yes, Alice."

"I hate you," she says. "I hate your whole existence. You sick bastard. Seriously? Liam?!" She yells this time.

"Well. You'd be surprised how many people hate me." I say, "What's wrong with Liam?"

"What's wrong with your girl?" I can picture her evil smirk.

"She's not my girl."

"Oh right, come on dude," she says. "Anyway, Liam. He's my bodyguard." Disgust raises in her voice. "Why did you do that? Have you absolutely lost your mind?"

"I need you alive. He'll protect you." I walk in kitchen and pour coffee for myself.

"I do not need your or his protection—" Hope walks down. Her eyes frozen and wide open . She's staring at something outside. Paralyzed. She's paralyzed. Goes out on the terrace and looks at water.

"She's perfection." She says as I approach carefully. "So calm—" and then snaps back in reality.

"Are you okay?" She blinks at me as she turns around.

"Are you?" I nod, confused. "I'm okay— I'm— what am I doing here?" She asks. "I mean, where's handcuffs? Wait, you had another key?!"

"Kent are you still there?" I hear Alice's voice in phone being in my hand.

"I'll call you later." Hope passes me aggressively and walks inside. I cross my arms. Wait for her to talk.

"You're— you're— you know what I don't have enough vocabulary to describe your diabolical actions. People just refused to create so many negative words. You got what you wanted and spent night with me. I suppose you're satisfied now. Anyway," her sigh is too loud. "What happened last night—" she hesitates. Breaths. At least she tries. "It meant nothing. It was silly and won't happen again."

"You must know that I'm so sorry," I tell her, "I don't remember much but I had no intentions or plans for that. I never would've touched you if I didn't think you wanted me to."

"I wanted."

Her gaze softens as my fingertips appear to my lips. She's playing with her skirt nervously, blinks so many times, struggles to breathe. "Why are you so nervous?"

"Me? Nervous? Come on." Tries to laugh. "Absolutely not, I'm not nervous at all."

"Hope," I tilt my head, "why are you nervous?"

"I— I—"


"I realize I want u— to stay alive during this mission." She says, "and I'm afraid I might agree your kind condition," her eyes are shut closed now. "Despite— despite my dignity and pride and tremendous hatred for you."

Something isn't right. "What did you see, in your dream?" Her eyes open as she clenches her fists. "When we were sleeping together?"

"Nothing important." She says, "I just, I saw some childish dream and got scared, that's all." She waves carefree hand at me. "So, we'll work together, I'll reduce my attempts to kill you and I need your word in return."

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