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Kent's POV...

Hotel explodes in front of my eyes. Hope, where's Hope? "Hope! Hope?"

Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope.

I stand up from asphalt as I pull out glass from my arm. My legs force me to run as fast as I can to find her. "Hope!" I shout but freeze in the place.

She's alive. Oh god, she's alive.

It's impossible to describe joy and relief I'm feeling. She's been hit hard by wave of blast. Hair's messiness covers her shoulders and face that's scratched. Cut on forehead and lip and chin and arm which's visible through her torn clothes.

Hope walks towards me as momentary shudder and twitches run in her body. She takes deadly slow and heavy steps as if she's lost sensation of her legs.

And her gaze... says nothing. Her eyes are absolutely empty when they stare at something right in front of her.

I run to her and grab her shoulders. Almost burned, dusted, devastated clothes remain in my hands when I pull her in embrace. "You're alright." Finally I let out relaxed deep breath I was holding for so long.

She doesn't answer. She doesn't move, doesn't even push me away. Hope just stands there petrified, cold as stone. I wrap my arm around her waist, my hand holds back of her head as I bury face in crack of her neck.

My eyes slowly close when I feel her closeness. I thought I lost her.

"You're okay. I was so scared." I hold her tighter. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I'll never leave you alone again. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I whisper again and again. "Are you hurt? Do you feel alright?"

I pull away just a little to see her face. She's frozen, her eyes are half-blinking and they're tired, life drained out of it. She stares at my collar bone, right at her height.

Another half-blink and tears fall from her eyes unexpectedly. One two three tears one by one splash on the ground. "Hope, say something."

I cup side of her head. And I stop breathing, I stop thinking.

My hand gets wet and I don't want to see it. Tears keep rolling down on her cheeks but she still doesn't shift. I withdraw my hand from her head to see palm of mine covered in blood.

Abruptly she loses last strength in knees and sinks in my arms. I catch her head before her whole body meets ground. "No, no, no, no, no, no," Liquid fills my eyes. "Don't do this. Please. I'm begging you."

I swipe my hand on her pale face, putting hair away. "No, no, no, no, no." Her eyes are closed. "Please, my beautiful." Tear rolls down on my cheek. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I'm sorry."

Head of her rests on my lap as I push her closer and kiss her cheek. My forehead presses hers and my tears drop on her face. "Open those brown eyes, I'm begging you. Please. Please. Open your eyes and yell at me, be angry, be mad, hate me as much as you want, but please, stay with me."

Her blood is on my shirt. "Stay with me. I can't let you go." I whisper, not believing in my own words but also being 100% confident in them. "Don't go." I can't let go woman I'm hopelessly falling in love with.

Already pale skin starts to freeze. She's so cold and her breath becomes heavier. She's struggling and I have to help her while she's still fighting, gripping on her life.

I look around to see someone's burning limb on the ground, hotel on fire, scared survivors running away, complete chaos. I lift Hope and carry her to the car. Her seatbelt is buckled quickly as I slide in driver's seat.

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