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Kent's POV...

She's bothered by something, I can fee it, I can feel pressure she's under. But why is she so obsessed with this case? Why does she want to find her?

"Boat? Please no. Storm is about begin—"

"Trust me," I say. "Please. Let's just leave this place, even for one day. I want to be alone with your." She looks at me baffled and scared.

"Okay," she whispers.

I lead her on yacht, holding her hand tight, reassuring that I'll be there for her. "Is there anything you want to talk about?" I ask, just in case she tells me anything.

I thought taking her away from all the stress and detectives would be relaxing, but maybe it wasn't greatest idea of mine. The fact that she followed me on boat says that she's worried and she's afraid of staying on land. Because last time we were in open sea I had to give her sleeping medicine.

She sits close to me. I drive yacht to the coast of Italy, away from storm and Catherine and mad killer with nickname of Daisy. After last night all I see is that she's only getting more obsessed with this crime.

"No, nothing." She only smiles at me. What are you hiding from me Hope? Why are you hiding?

"Okay," I say. She's sure she can find solution all by herself, and I want to help, I want to be someone she can rely on. But what makes this all more miserable is that my helplessness affects my thoughts.

We're in calm sea, sky black with no bright moon, only yacht's lights shimmering on water. "Come with me," I tell her on my low voice as I turn off the engine. I hold her hand to lead down the stairs into the room.

It's small with few furniture inside, lights under the bed are turned on and it makes perfect atmosphere. "My eyes got used to the dark." She laughs, rubbing her eyes.

"So finally," I say, completely relaxed, sitting on foot of bed. "No more excuses, no more we might get caught or someone walking on us."

"Don't act like it's our first time," she keeps smiling that cute smile that makes me dizzy. Her foot raises, landing on my thighs. I unclasp and remove shoes she wore again before we arrived her. And second one too.

"Well, we've done it on the floor, against wall, even in Catherine's office. Don't you think I deserve to have you in bed one time?" She takes remote to change bed lighting from yellow to red.

Clearing her throat she looks me in my eyes and fixes her posture. "How may I be of service to you tonight, sir?" Her voice is alluring, filled with lust.

I devour her whole body before saying. "I like your dress."

She nods, flattered. "Thank—"

"Take it off."

She smiles, her cheeks red like rose petals. First thing Hope does is pulling her knife out of garter and placing it nearby.

Taking off that dress happens very slowly, she's doing it on purpose and it works so well to end my patience. But instead I relax and watch her undress. "What kind of man makes the woman do all the work?" Knot around her neck is undone to reveal her breasts. "And I expected you to tear the dress up on me." Skirt falls down as well. "Or wait, is this performance anxiety, Mr. Kent?"

"You're insulting me. It's funny how you forgot what happens when someone insults me, wanna remember?" I say calmly, making my tone echo in small room. "Or maybe you missed calling me cruel?"

She steps out of fabric at her feet, her eyes still sternly on me. Hope's is breathing fast, in silence I can hear her heart beating against her chest. "Don't you think it's bit unfair, I'm naked when you sit there fully dressed." I smirk. Then stand up, buttoning my tuxedo's jacket. I pour myself glass of scotch.

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