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Hope's POV...

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean that there were two employees that weren't employees." Sato explains.

"That still doesn't make sense to me." I blink at him.

He sighs. "Before I started car I— we got video of guards shielding terrace door. Catherine also send list of employees and these two... weren't on the list."

"How do you know?" I ask again even more lost.

"I observed other footage and all the real employees hadn't one simple sign on them." Kent and I wait for him to continue as he raises index finger. "An emblem on button." Sato opens Kent's laptop and plays some video. "Right here." He points at screen and zooms in, Kent and I lean in, rely on back of Sato's chair and table at the same time to see it better. "Real employees doesn't have sun on their golden buttons."

He plays another video. Meanwhile I feel something weird, I feel Kent peering at me and surprisingly I'm blushing, it's embarrassing how I act like little shy girl. "The two guards have a sun. It was probably the most similar to original."

"Can you play video again, please?" Kent asks.

"Sure." Sato clicks and there's me in the focus. "Oh, I feel the pain. Damn good job."

"Zoom in." blondie orders again. "Restore quality."

"What is it?" I ask, diminishing openness of eye, not being able to see anything suspicious.

"I know this feather." He mutters and I finally distinguish what he sees, tiny gray feather lays on one of the guards suit.

. . .

"Zoya?" Kent shouts.

"What are we doing here? I don't understand we're in middle of nowhere." I look around at sea, cliff and many many trees.

"Zoya!" He shouts again, cupping sides of his mouth.

"There's no point calling someone who doesn't— oh Jesus Christ!" I jump and jerk backward, tripping over my feet and falling into Kent's already prepared arms when I turn around and see old woman behind me.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks me as I stand firmly on my feet.

"Yes, yes. Thank you. Who is she?" I point at woman with dusty clothes and gray parrot on her shoulder, looking at me as if I'm transparent.

"Follow me." She commands and Kent follows. I won't shift, still doubting. I can't follow someone I have no idea about.

"If you want to make this partnership work you have to trust me." Kent whispers when he notices me staying still and returns for me. "Just once." His eyes are pure demands, so as if it's possible to say no I just follow them somewhere far.

We walk in hut which is buried deep in the woods. House is small and comfortable, it's made out of wooden blocks as well, big glass entrance door, many bushes and even more flowers. This house reminds me a fairy tale houses with magical fairies and an elves as helpers.

"Forgive me for messiness and welcome." Zoya's rough voice rings in my ears. Kent gestures me to go in first.

"Welcome." Parrot squawks when I step in.

"What brought you here?" She asks but I'm too busy observing her magical world to answer. This house is truly weirdest and most amazing place ever.

There are over thirty wood toys hanging from the ceiling, flower pots are all around, books that are scattered on the floor and desk, every type of crystal, tarot cards laying on the table, zodiac signs poster pinned on the wall and what's the most astonishing, a telescope. This place is total mess though.

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