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Hope's POV...

"Have you noticed that I know absolutely nothing about you?" I ask him as we step in hotel room.

"What do you want to know exactly?" He closes door behind us.

"I don't know, anything you want to tell me." What do I want to know about him though? His past but I can't just go and ask him such personal questions. "Where were you born?"

"Nice." Very... brief answer.

"Like... France? Like Nice Nice?" Falling into armchair I rest my chin on palm of my hand as frown rests between my brows.

"Yes, I'm half french." Kent finds place on foot of bed.

"Shut up, there's no way." I chuckle.

"Yes there's way. I don't know anything about you as well. Where were you born?"

"I don't know, five-years-old doesn't really care where she was born and then there was no one to tell me." He nods, thinking about something. "It's my turn, I want to know a lot." I feel boisterous about asking him whatever I want. He's always been locked chest for me and I'm dying to open him up. "What's your favorite color?"

"You really want to know what's my favorite color?" Light laughter echoes in room. "That's something you care about?" I nod. "Well, deep, dark brown. What's yours?" He stares in my eyes.

"Green." I didn't even ponder before answering. Looking deep in his eyes, shining as moonlight hits them, I can't think of anything else. He smiles at me, shyly blushing. He's blushing. Oh my god, that's most adorable thing I've ever seen. "What's your hobby?" I stand on my feet and walk on patio. Getting glimpse of rain pouring lets me breathe again.

"Reading." He follows me outside.

"I already know that, anything else?" Leaning against arched doorframe he crosses his arms and just watches me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Smirk escaped my lips through words.

"You are beautiful." Shy smile grows on my face. "Painting, I like painting." Thanks god he changed topic. "You?" I remain quiet. "What? It can't be that bad."

"It's weird." I say. "I love motorsports. I'm very good at driving."

"I already saw that. There must be something else too. Spill it." He demands and I take minute to think about it.

"Hm, I'm bit of nerd, I love learning most random facts about everything." I shrug.

"Really? Tell me one." Shrugging again I start searching anything in my messy mind.

"I know average size of raccoon's penis in millimeters." He looks at me for a whole minute, too stunned to speak. "They also have bone there, did you know that?"

Licking his lips and studying floor he probably searches right words to describe me being psychic. "But why?" Concern is written on his face. I can't help but start laughing.

"I don't know." We both laugh and this sound feels so comforting. Little chuckles and giggles here and there as we calm down. "Alright, dogs or cats?"


"Hm, what's your favorite childhood memory?" I pass him and walk inside.

"Haven't much but there's one." He says. "Playing with little girl with pretty bows and weird dolls." I freeze, my back facing him. Sword in heart, that's how I feel. I feel stabbed and beaten. Tears gathering with speed of light.

I gulp and close my eyes. One tear rolls down without my consent and I don't bother to wipe it off. "You remember?"

"I do."

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