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Kent's POV...

I wake up alone. Sunshine is hitting directly on my face. She's on patio, wearing that white t-shirt, sitting crossed-legged on white metal chair. "Hi"

"Oh hi." Wide smile runs on her face when she sees me.

"How did you sleep?" I smile at her too.

"Like a dead." I shove my hands in pockets of slacks.

"You seem relaxed." I walk towards her.

"I am."

"Mhm." I stand behind her. "You're dead-gorgeous." As I pull her hair away I plant gentle kiss on her neck. "It was a big storm. How's everything down there?" I whisper to her ear.

"Horrible." She says as she fixes her hair while nervously tries to gulp.

Walking away I look over railing. "What the—" I mutter under breath.

"Is everything okay?" I hear her saying. There's Sato with his hands on hips grinning as he looks up at me. "What is he doing here?"

"Morning doll." She starts scowling too. "Will you do me favor and come down?" Sato yells. Hope and I take a look at each other in absolute uncertainty.

"What are you doing here Sato?" Girl next to me checks him out doubtfully after getting dressed and headed downstairs.

"Taking care of your pretty ass darling." She punches him. "Ouch, you wild girl." He covers his jaw where her fist left quite bad bruise. "It hurts. I brought sail to take you back."

"Oh, that's sweet." She hums and smiles. Their dynamic is so weird, yet I enjoy it. "Thank you."

"You're welcome cutie."

"Don't ever call me that." She warns with curled lips.

"What happened yesterday? I was expecting you two back." He leads us to his boat.

"Someone tried to kill us." I say directly.


"Someone cut our car's brakes. We got into accident." We finally approach harbor.

"Yep." Hope agrees, not interested in conversation. "Oh, look how beautiful this flower is." As she stoops to touch flower Sato stops her midway.

"Don't touch it if you don't want to smell like rotten meat. They smell horrible." He explains


"That's Rafflesia. Wild plant that blooms only for few days. One of the most poisonous too." Her eyes are glued on huge flower. "As I know they flower in Japan and Greece only."

"How do you know so much?" She asks and jumps on boat.

"He was botanic nerd in school." I clarify.

"So you two went together?" She waves finger between us.

"Yes, we did."


.   .   .

There's scream reaching our ears.

. . .

Hope's POV...

I flinch as her mother screams again. "Why are you reacting like that?" Sato gives me unsure gaze.

"I'm afraid of screams. Bad memories." I answer as my eyes observe car with dead sixteen-years-old on the backseat. Young girl with blond waves and purple bow on her hair rotting in boiling car.

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