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Hope's POV...

"Oh, hi." Kent says, His mood revived with my presence. I don't care if there's Alice, I wrap my arms around his waist as I rest my head on his chest.

"You're okay. I was so worried." I don't dare to open my eyes. I already know I'm acting like weirdo and I'm ashamed of myself.

His healthy arm snuggles around me. He places kiss atop my head. "You were?" His soft giggle brings relieve I was lacking like oxygen.

"Of course I was, you idiot." I tighten my grip.

"I like you worrying about me." He whispers and puts my hair aside, probably trying to find my eyes. My face is buried in his chest and I realize how much I love this, how lucky I am to have him around, alive.

"I'll leave you alone," Alice says. I can tell by her tone she was smiling wide.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I ask him, I can't believe his foolishness. "You're biggest idiot I've ever seen. Imbecile, fool, stupid, jackass—"

"And you hate me. Yes, yes, I know." He rolls his eyes, but not in annoyance.

"Yes, I do." I say, detaching our bodies. "I thought you were smart enough to avoid collapsing on battlefield."

"But I didn't collapse."

I shrug. "Luck"

"I'd prefer to call it skills." He says. "Catherine said we better stay here tonight. What do you think?"

"Yes, yes. Of course. It's better for you." I nod. "Yeah, umm, I just wanted to check on you, you're all right so I'll—"

"I want you to stay with me tonight." He says as I take few steps backwards.

"I can't." Staying with him will be straightforward confession.

"I might have fever at night or need help. What if my stiches open?" His sly mouth works like charm.

"Exactly," thankfully I have logical answer. "I'm a very bad sleeper. You know too. I can hurt you in sleep or push you out of bed." I'm not that rubbish sleeper. Alright, I am. But I feel urge to get out of here, air becomes too blunt.

"Okay. Then stay few minutes longer." He checks me out. He won't even attempts to disguise himself.

"All right," I close distance between us. He wants game, so let's make it entertaining. "What do you want to do Kent?" I ask and continue my way to his bed. "In this room." No different from the whole house, the high ceiling and white colors decorate the room. "Just you and me."

His stupid smirk grows. "You tell me. What do want to do Hope?" His eyebrows smudge for a second as if he repeats questions with eyes. "Because if I open my mouth, you'll end up begging me to bring words into action." He says. My jaw drops again. And I wanted to be naughty bastard for once.

"Hmm? What's holding you back?" My voice is full mess of rust and lust and fake confidence. He tilts his head a little.

"Maybe, when you stop eye-fucking me, I'll tell you." I basically stripped him with my gaze. His voice. Ahh, his voice! I can't picture anything else but him. He lets out deep breath. "It's so hot here, can you take my cloth off?"

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