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Kent's POV...

Fuck. She just burnt me. I knew what she was going to do, but I wasn't sure and still let her do it. For fuck's sake. I have never seen anyone crazy like her.

I start laughing when I get in cold shower. I groan as first drop meets my skin. Every movement makes the pain worse. I still can't believe I let her do that. I'm chuckling as I run fingers in my wet hair, slicking them behind.

I step out from shower cabine, remove wet shorts and put towel on. I turn around, trying to catch burnt area in my eyesight. My whole back is every shade of scarlet, covered in rose petals. At that moment I hear the sound of door slamming.

She left. I walk in my room and put clothes on. Vera is coming tomorrow. I need to know more about her, every little detail can help easing the case.

Terrace seems best place to work. This settlement is built on low cliff and under is sea. I couldn't see sunset yesterday but I'll do today, Hope isn't here too. Hope. I can't decide how I'll punish her but I'll find some way.

I put my laptop, notebook and pencil on table. I hacked the personal information protection system and now search her past.

Mother, Jean Dubois died five years ago, French model and actress. So Grisha and Jean met in movie industry. Born: April 13, 1974, Paris. She died of leukemia.

Grisha Petrov, owner of P&H production, born: November 5, 1969, Krasnodar. Nothing important about parents, except Grisha's unusual protection for her.

She studied in university, in Germany, but which faculty? It's not shown. Transactions: Versace, Burberry, Prada, Hermès. So she's into fashion. Typical rich daddy's daughter.

My eyes run to notebook laying on table. I shut laptop and take pencil. Little mole on cheek and popped cheekbones. I rotate pencil in my fingers while staring at notebook, doubting about whether to do it or not. I lit up cigar, trying to distract myself. I exhale deep breath, knowing I'm making a mistake but I'm doing it anyway.

I open notebook and put tip of pencil on it but then stop, thinking if I should do it. I still start drawing circles, soften forms, specify the eye slit, remember nose structure. I correct shadows with my pinkie, clarify every detail. I can't hear and see anything, all my brain focuses on is picture I'm drawing. I'm outside of this world.

Cigar rests between my lips as I try to sculpt another shadow with finger. I'm not drawing with my hand only, I feel it with my whole body, I'm excited and anxious at the same time. After hair is done I come back to lips. While correcting it, I was overcome with an abnormal desire to kiss them.

I drop pencil and sigh. Shit... it's perfect. She's perfect. I mean drawing is perfect. I write one word on it "Eris". In Greek mythology Eris is goddess of chaos, strife and discord. Just like her.

I lean back in my chair and tap pencil on table while staring at picture of her. After minute I got message. It's from unknown number.

Unknown number
It's Hope. got new phone, call me.

What does she want? She wouldn't ask me to call if there's not any trouble. I'm dialing her number. "Speak" I say as she answers the phone.

"Come on baby,"

"What's wrong?"

"You remember we have reservations for two tonight right? We should dress fancy and can we go with your black Audi, mine has problem, okay?"

"Where are you?" I stand up ready to leave house.

"My day? Oh yes. I was at beach. Then I remembered that my phone BROKE and went to buy new one. Now I'm on my way back to the beach."

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