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Hope's POV...

Kent's lips meet mine as one hand slides into my hair and the other travels to my waist. His kiss is almost frantic, ravenous. I throw my arms over his shoulders and match his intensity, kiss for kiss. Our tongues find each other in increasingly desperate, sloppy kisses. My fingers weave into his sand color curls and I pull him into me. Kent lets out a low groan as his teeth tug my lower lip and his hand moves across my stomach to my chest.

His mouth moves down my neck, alternating between passionate kisses, gentle nips, and tiny pecks. I close my eyes and a hushed moan escapes from my lips. Kent walks me towards Catherine's huge table and turns me around by shoulders while kissing my neck. His hand make their way under my dress, brushing my panties, pressing the clit.

"Oh fuck," I moan, holding onto his hair. But then I realize. "Oh fuck," I stop him right away before he truly rails me. "This is fucked up." My lungs work hard when I turn to look at his face.

He nods, looking flabbergasted. But then his brows draw together. "Wait, what?" For real what? What did I just do? We just confessed to each other, why shouldn't we?

So without second thought I grab his shirt's collar bringing his mouth on mine. While making out he hoists me on table, standing between my legs. And then I realize again. "It's just... we're in Catherine's office."

"Oh my god, aren't you tired of ruining our moments?" He speaks annoyed, his hand still drawing circles on my leg.

"Aren't you tired of upsetting me?" I return, walking into room I only focus on breathing.

Smug smirk dances on his lips. "If you are upset with me, I would like to request the same punishment I received from you when I stole earrings."

I can hear my heart beating in my ears. My chest feels heavy and I am holding the device so tight, I fear for a brief moment that I'm going to break it. I hate that I am so flustered while he looks so relaxed. Shame that I believed Elena when she told me they fucked clogs my throat and flushes my cheeks.

I'm an impulsive idiot.

"You'd like me to threaten to stab you with a knife?" I am grateful that my voice comes out steady.

Kent's eyes narrow as he looks at me from across the room, adjusting himself in armchair. "Luckily for you, I have a taste for defiant and dangerous women."

Any attempt at calm vanishes and I release a ragged exhale. Just a taste. I stand straight and start to walk toward him. Kent sits up a little in the armchair and he swallows. I can see the burning desire in his eyes as I stand before him. I lean over and place my hands on the arms of the armchair. His eyes meet mine before lingering on my lips and moving down the revealing neckline of my dress.

I accused this man few minutes ago, I should apologize or something, but my mind seems fogged.

"What kind of agent would I be..." I whisper into his ear, "if I allowed myself to be so easily seduced?" My voice is rough and raspy. "I have everything under control, but you distract me."

I begin leaving little kisses on his ear, moving down his neck. He lets go of a rough exhale before swallowing again and taking a deep breath. His hands gently caress my thighs and move up to my waist. I kiss the base of his neck and above his collarbone. He looks down at me through his long lashes. He is devastatingly beautiful.

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