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Hope's POV...

Something lights up in my head. I breathe like there's no tomorrow, like it's my last day. Opening Kent's car, with key I stole from his pocket, I leave immediately.

This stupid mission, this stupid money. It was hell for whole two weeks. And I'm leaving without my money, amazing. But it has no worth to me anymore. There are so many questions in my head, why were we here two weeks early? Why did Richard send us, especially us, especially here and enough time for me to find out about my mother?

It's all so weirdly connected, yet complicated. I grew up with Silas, who's my mother's ex-boyfriend's son, we went to same school but never saw each other after two of our friends died in "car accident". And now we got paired up after whole four years. Yes, we're powerful criminals but such easy job didn't require two. What's the connection? Why I have never thought of this before?

What was Richard up to? Why was he recording our conversation?

Why did I find out about my mother here? Why did I meet Catherine who apparently raised Kent? And I found out truth here...

Connection. Connection. Connection.

And I know why you're the one who should shoot me.

Daisy... who are you? Why are you connected straight to me? What's the innocent people's fault?

Someone who wants Catherine dead, someone who hates me for something I'm not aware of.

Into botanic, powerful, made poison from wild flower she came here to find. Rafflesia. Used gloves and water from bathroom where plants are in dampness. And ruined lipstick for fake blood to convince police that she was injured as well.

But what's the connection between her, me and Catherine?

I hurriedly drive to the exploded hotel's underground parking lot. My hands are shaking as I look around and grab the gun from drawer. Deep breath in and I step out.

How could I be so stupid? Obviously she wasn't there for moonstone, Zoya was warning us, giving us hint.

Looking around almost empty parking lot I notice the door. Holding the knob my heart beats faster than ever, I can't breathe, I'm about to find person, who did all of this. Daisy... Daisy.

Who are you?

I hold my breath.

What do you want from me?

I pull it down slowly.

What's your purpose?

Door slowly opens as I step in.

Show up to me.

Everything you are looking for is right in front of you...

It's laboratory. Two men stand at the entrance with their guns, but they don't shoot me, they let me continue my way as if they were waiting for me. There are two walls filled with tested animals and plants in jars. White lights are illuminating the room. Everything is extremely clean, extremely bright and frightening.

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