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Hope's POV...

My lips are all over his body except his erection center to torture him. He was straddling me, but now I'm on top. I'm afraid he wants his revenge.

I attack his mouth before he does anything, his chest pressing mine, burning hot like lava that poured on my body. His hardness rubs against my throbbing pussy and I feel my heart beating in two places.

"Tell me my beautiful, you really want to torture me?" I nod weakly because he's talking to my neck and every slight touch of his lips, every hot breath makes me lose my mind. "Why don't I believe you?"

His hand finds my core and his finger slides on my slit, coating clit with wetness. "I told you what I want, it's your turn love, what do you want me to do to you?"

"Take me." I whisper to his mouth and he smirks.

"Pick a number." He grabs his shoe and removes lace.


"Don't make me repeat myself." His voice is rough and full of desire. so deep and demanding.

"Seven." I say, clueless. Without my consent he ties both hands of mine, but little does he know that I'm not one who'll follow his rules. I take my tied hands over his head and put behind neck.

"Take me." I'm barely breathing. "Right now." I can't believe we're doing this but there's no way back. Despite regret I'm already feeling there's also thousands of butterflies in my stomach and even more jolts of joy in veins.

"If you want me that much, beg"

"I will never—" his fingers find and circle my clit and I can't think anymore.

"Beg me to let you come around my dick, beg me to fuck you Hope. Make it pretty. Seductive."


"No?" He goes faster and I'm shivering from pleasure. The moment I'm so close to cum he stops so peacefully. "Think again."

I have to. I have to. "Please, please. I'm begging you, let me fuck you." He snorts.

"Ah, ambitions will get you in trouble." Kent doesn't hesitate and dips tip of his dick in my juice. I don't have patience left, I just want him inside me but suddenly he makes me slam into him by pulling my hips.

I gasp so loudly I think whole neighborhood heard. He fills me completely and more he's too big. Grunt is what I hear from him, held breath is all I see. I'm trying to adjust when my forehead presses his.

Parted lips lets out loud panting. He closes my mouth with hungry wet kiss. "Count." I hear him saying between kisses. He continues devouring everything inside my mouth.

I need time to cope with sudden pain but his hands on my hips force me to start moving. So I ride him and oh lord, it feels abnormally good. I gasp with every slow move, hand around his neck digs my nails in his skin and my chest presses his while he holds my lower back.

I'm in new galaxy, the universe of pleasure.

Both of us need to come as soon as possible, at least I definitely do. He lays down, removes my hands from his neck and hands me full control. Euphoria overcomes my mind, body and soul.

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