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Hope's POV...

I scoff.

He really left me here. All alone. And it's already midnight. Asshole.

Okay I just need to calm down. But how can I calm down? He left me here! Well technically I demanded to stay, impulsive idiot.

I follow edge of the road, irritated by everything that happened in last half hour. I'm sober already. One asshole rolls his window and whistles to me. I show him my middle fingers when he laughs and stuck out his tongue. Amazing, now I look like a slut.

It'll be unfair if I blame him my stubbornness but still, he should think better. Okay it'll be still unfair, I wanted and I left his car.

I scratch top of my head, not wanting to do what I'm about to do. The moment before Ashton asked me for my number he gave me his. I have paper in my hand with his number on it.

No, I won't call him. I stand there another few minutes, walking slowly. I know I have to call him because my legs are numb and I can't take another step. First thing I do is opening my purse and finding phone. I dial his number and call it.

I can't walk that long road and I have no strength left. It's calling and he finally answers.



"Nancy, oh god, where are you? Where have you gone?" He sighs in relieve.

"It's kinda complicated—"

"Where are you? I'm coming to you. That guy didn't seem trustworthy." I can hear him starting vehicle.

I explain to him my location. It's kinda strange that he cares about me that much but maybe I assume he's just a gentleman. My mind tells me that he's someone I should trust.

"Okay don't move, I'll be there soon" I sit on the ground. Few cars passed, everyone looking at me strangely. They're right, I look miserable.

After few long minutes Ash's fancy car stops front of me. "Hey, are you okay? Come, sit." He taps on passenger's seat. His face doesn't look good. Blood is on his lip and brow, also he has bruise at the eye.

I open door, ready to sit down when I notice something unusual in corner of my eye. Some light went out at the turn of the street. I lightly turn my head to find out what's going on.

"Everything's okay?"  He asks.

"Yeah, yeah everything's fine." I adjust and buckle seatbelt. "Thank you so much for coming."

"What? No, there's nothing to be thankful for, but what are you doing here?" He chuckles feebly. His beautiful blue eyes are roaming me, checking if I'm okay.

"Cocky bastard" I roll my eyes.

"That random dude?" He asks ironically.

"Mhm" I nod

"Who's he?"

"Random dude." I shrug, "I have to spend two weeks with him. Forced marriage." My attention goes to his bruises, I want to help him, at least he got hit because of me.

"So you're married?" He asks as if it's totally normal.

"Yep, for some goddamn reasons I'm married to that man." I look in side-view mirror. There's no lights but I can give a damn about the car's silhouette following us.

"Good thing is that it's fictitious marriage."

"Good thing? So you're satisfied by it?" I have playful tone because his words make me smile.

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