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Hope's POV...

"Oh, shit, sorry." Young man apologizes and catches me by arm.

"It's okay." I make him remove his hand and rub my arm for a second.

"You sure?" He doesn't have a foreign accent, it's normal, American accent. I look up to see tall, fit man with light brown hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Yes, yes." I smooth my hair and clear throat, "Nancy" My hand is in the air, waiting to shake his. Too official, I know.

"Ashton but call me Ash."

"It's nice to meet you Ash, waiting for a girl?" I point behind me at girls restroom door.

"What?" He looks at door and sees woman's figure on it. "shit, I'm little drunk, I messed up." He scratches back of his neck.

"Yeah" I say with punny smile.

"We'll meet again, right?" He points at me when I walk to crowd again. I turn around shrug innocently and wink.

I go straight to bartender and ask for five shots of tequila. I drink one while grabbing second, there's two cups in my hands. After all the glasses are empty, I feel heavy in my head. Something pushes me backward and I struggle to not fall. I open my eyes wide to clear blurry vision. Dizziness makes everything spin around. My mouth burns from spicy drink but I can't even feel burn on my chest, my whole body is numb.

My hair decided to cover my eyesight now. I remove second hand from bar table too to tie my hair but dizziness pushes me backwards again. Someone catches me and makes me sit on high bar stool.

"I think I'm sober compare to you." I hear chuckling

"Thank you?" I look up and see Ash smiling at me.

"Be careful next time." He says and leaves me. I have no idea who he is, but he's kinda cute. Music gets louder and more energetic so does my urge to fuck this club up. Considering different nationalities of tourists DJ is playing every country's music, most of them are Spanish.

I don't give a fuck, let it be Arabic music, I'll dance like professional belly dancer. My hips are hurting from not moving them.

This song has weird chorus, but you know what's even weird?! Everyone here knows it. I love Europe so much, they're like one big country but also separated one. They have their own but also common culture. Even this song, it's Spanish and I bet no one here actually knows lyric but they're vibing and singing. They don't give a shit and I'm loving it.

It's chorus time again and I find myself in a position to get my ass up and start showing this bitches how to actually fuck this place up. God I love them.

The first thing I do is check myself, I put one leg down, then another, I press my heels, checking if they can handle my weight. Pffff I walked with these whole night and kicked one asshole's butt. I laugh at myself.

I put hands on my waist and slide them down on my butt cheeks, thinking about tonight's victim. No one is good enough to see in my bedsheets. Except one...

For fuck's sake! He's physically attractive, very attractive. Yeah even straight man would fuck him.

Jesus Christ.

What thoughts am I coming with?! I still wonder what he's actual hair color is and who was that Ashton guy. Even my thoughts are fucked up. Well, for one night it doesn't matter if his hair cannot decide if it's blonde or brown but...

Oh my god, what's wrong with me?! I really want to fuck this man. But it's not happening in this life.

And what is so special about him? Attracts the attention of all the girls. He's just one handsome dude at the end of the day and nothing else. But he's probably amazing in sheets. I feel that there's devil on my left shoulder, whispering all sins I can do tonight but he doesn't know one thing... I was born minute earlier than him. I'll make Mr.Kent chase me.

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