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Kent's POV...

"Still alive, what a misfortune." She flashes her brows as she starts cutting something. With big force I raise myself from couch and rub my head.

"What a misfortune to start a day." I'm trying to get used with sunlight. Jesus Christ, this house has massive windows.

"Filthy alcoholic." She looks at me with disgust. As she eyes me up and down she sips her coffee. Her annoying voice engenders me rolling my eyes.

"I hope you'll lose that annoying voice of yours one day." I say.

"I hope you'll die one day and I hope soon." She gifts me contemned smile.

How on earth can one little human make everything so hideous and repellent. Everything she touches, everything she does makes me sick. My head is hurting already and all I needed for full happiness was Hope.

I don't know no longer what to do to her. Wait a second, she's fully dressed as if she just stepped in. Where was she last night?!

She looks so beautiful. Soft red cheeks and redder lips, pretty face features, her thin fingers touching neck as she's waiting for toast. I smirk as I watch her. Revolting.

"Are you going to smirk like fool or get up?" She narrows her eyes at me and cocks head.

I get on my feet and approach kitchen. Hope is already eating her toast. I pour coffee for myself and sit next to her.

She puts yogurt spoon in her mouth. Her lips wrapped around metal and slowly sucking on it. I wonder what it tastes like. Probably her lips are sour like her face.

I'd love to taste them though. I'd love to touch her, I'd love to feel her skin, I'd love to cup her cheek. Is it as soft as it seems? Are her lips as sweet as I imagine?

In my imagination her lips fits perfectly other things too. Just thinking about her, kneeled front of me, her hair tied and looking up at me with stern glance. What a sight.

She drops her spoon accidentally and stoops down. As she appears on her knees I turn to her.

"Open your mouth."

"What?" She looks up but won't stand up.

"Open your mouth, Hope."

She sits on her chair, captivated by what I said. I slither my cup, exactly spotting it front of her. I appear behind her instantly. She's breathing heavily, did she really think I wouldn't notice?

I'm leaning on kitchen island, my hands each side of her, our faces inches apart. She turns her head and parts her lips. Again that bewitching scent making me freeze and lose influence on myself.

"Drink." I whisper-command.

She gulped as she opened her mouth to say something but closed it immediately. "No"

I'm looking, no I'm staring at her face and examining every contour that pretty face of her. I inbreathe, I absorb her scent which affects my entire body. It is poison, worse than drug.

"What is it?" I ask as I remove my eyes from her face and tilt my head towards cup.

"Drug." Wow. Just wow. She has rich and wild imagination.

"You're ridiculous." I say, vexed. "Be thankful I don't pour it into your mouth like you deserve."

"You're prick." She returns. "How dare you to threaten me."

"And you really assumed I'd be that stupid."

"And you really left me with twice of my size guys!" She raises her voice. "You think I'm so fool I didn't realize that you were aware of car following us." Takes break. "If you decided to play with my life what holds me back to do the same?!"

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