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Hope's POV

As much as I try to hide universe decides to make me shine in everyone's eyes.

My being invisible attempt only last for five minutes. Everyone starts clapping their hands when I see Ash in crowd, gathered around the dance floor. He's about to approach me as I feel someone's cold and gentle fingers gripping my hand.

"There you are love, I've been looking for you." His voice is deep, his tone steady.

I turn around to see Kent's unmasked face and make effort to run away again, but he catches my hand tighter. "No, no, no, no, no you're not going anywhere." He says, taking first step forward. Lights changed to red as tango started playing.

"Dance with me." Low and warm tone of his sends shiver down my spine. "Please"

I can't make scenes here so I just follow him. Gently resting my hand gets squeezed. He squeezes me so hard I almost trip down from sudden pain. "What you did was cruel." He swings me roughly. His hand is on my waist, mine on his shoulder.

"Ouch." I whine. "What do you want from me?" I say to his ear. Since our bodies are stick together I have no chance to make distance. Our eyes are locked and I can swear I feel his heartbeat.

He takes first step forward when he speaks. "You stole something that belonged to me." Slow but pugnacious moves leads me and I obey.

I look dead in his eye as my chin raises. "A million dollar earrings?" His hand doesn't bother to reduce strong impact on mine as I dig nails in his shoulder.

He breaths. Looks at people. Stares in my eyes. "No," he grabs my thigh and I'm forced to lean back. My leg is wrapped around his as he slides his hand up, caressing my bare skin. He pulls knife out of my garter. As I see he's not trusting me with knives anymore.

I'm arched over his forearm, my head is leaned back when his supportive hand helps me to straighten my back. As I slowly raise myself his gaze meets mine. "Your lips." I gasp while he spins me unexpectedly. My back is against his chest.

"So you prefer my lips over world's antique?" Heat waves coming from his breath is melting me like candle. Few steps and pause. He makes me to face him again.

"Screw earrings. Let it be yours." he spits and my hand appears on his neck instead of shoulder. Kent goes down and looks up at me. He slides knife on the floor, the one that rested in my garter, the one that threatened him. His hand now follows length of my leg.

I'm trying, I'm really trying to swallow satisfaction I'm feeling. I lick my lips and let my eyes close for a split second. It feels like I've been stung by nettles and lost sensitivity. I'm breathing hard, hot, unable breathe. Every inch he's touched burns and pinches me.

As my partner gets on his feet he twirls me once, twice, thrice. He seizes me in position where my lips are two inches apart from his. I'm staring at him but then wonder what bothers me. I'm not breathing, that's what provokes my heart to go crazy.

"They're half-million worth." I say, taking forward step with one leg crossing in front of the other.

"Why did you run away, love?" His grip tightens around my waist but something happened to that voice, I've never heard his voice like this before, it's more soft but also rough, clear but raspy, low but too attractive to not want to listen to it again and again and again. "Why did you leave me?"

I do little tap during pause. I'm looking behind his shoulder and gulp questions' answers I don't really want to say. I don't know why, I don't know why I want to protect him from my own self but I don't want to accept that he's psycho, that he's most brash person I've ever met.

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