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Kent's POV...

I step out of police car. Looking around I see Hope exiting car behind. She glances at me, knowing what I have done. Her eyes are fireballs and clenched fists are ready to beat the shit out of me.

"Welcome back!" I smile, looking deep in her eyes as we get closer. Did she really think that I would let her leave without explanation. Oh no.

Handcuffs are on both of us. Officers escort us inside. Her high-heels click in pre-trial isolator next to mine. As soon as we're locked officers leave.

Maybe she'll yell, scream, try to strangle me through the bars. But no, she does none of it, she just sits down on a bed, looking all elegant in black dress and red lips.

I'm fighting with smile that escapes at corners. I sit against the same wall, both of us facing plain gray wall. "Come on sweetie, don't be mad at me." I say.

"Hmm, let me guess, because anger doesn't suit me?"

"No, it does."

"Which normal person would turn themselves into the police to stop somebody from leaving?" She asks with full seriousness.

"Me probably," I tell.

"Oh, so you consider yourself as normal?" She laughs. "You're maniacal. Obsessed. That's actually pretty scary."

"You knew exactly I wouldn't give up on you that easily. I have natural talent of exposing liars." Suddenly Tate gets up and approaches barrier between us.

"What the hell do you want then? What am I doing here?" As stressed she is as relaxed I am. I stand up and face her with my hands in pockets.

"Tell me what happened. Why did you kill a man? Why did you brake up with me?"

After surprised scoff Hope laughs out loud. "You seriously need help. Like for real. Don't you get it? I'm not in love with you, it's over. I'm done. We're done."

Slightly watery eyes, tensed body, nervous gaze. I examine her for a moment and then laugh. "Aren't you tired? Like lying this much must be tiring."

She scoffs again. "I feel like I'm talking to a wall. You want me to strangle you or what?" And as she's barely controlling herself officer come in to take me to interrogation room. Easy white lies help me to get away with their questions.

"Suits you." Hope says as I walk back in with handcuffs on.

She's next. After an hour of interrogation she's back in her isolator, smiling.

"What did you just do?" I sigh.

"Me?" She asks surprised. "Nothing."

"Now you're lying."

"Yeah, I definitely am." Her satisfied smile stretches. "I made you little surprise."

"Hmm," my head falls against the wall with deep laughter. "So, you're gonna pretend that you're cold-hearted villain now? Darling, you don't know me. There's nearly nothing that can make me give up on you."

"You act like you love me so bad Kent, so prove it. Let. Me. Go." She tells.

"No," I shake my head.

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