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Hope's POV...

Kent walks in the kitchen without looking at me. We spent one night in same house and both of us are alive, it's a good news already. He's making coffee for himself. He's left-handed. He doesn't look bad, messy hair, his biceps looks better in t-shirt he's wearing, he has tattoo on his right inner arm, a compass.

Two spoon sugar, he loves sweet. He cleans little mess he made. Since every wall in kitchen is window he looks out and sips his coffee. He's brunette, I'm sure now. I'm eating my breakfast, slowly, without worry while learning his every movement.

Kent leaves kitchen without saying word, like I wasn't even there. I get ready and leave house without him.

"Vera Petrova," He starts, when he reaches me out of nowhere. "22 years old, born: June 4. Grew up in Paris with her mother. Half Russian, half French. Her fathers only heiress. Grisha Petrov, owner of P&H production. May 16, his agent stole money that day." None of us look at each other.

"So we're going to work as a team?" I ask. I'm confused, I thought we'll work on our own.

"They hired us as a team and we'll work as team." He finally turns to face me, "but it doesn't stop me from getting rid of you." Annoying asshole. I don't respond that, no matter how much does it annoy me.

"She has birthday in a two week, so that's reason of coming here." I tell myself and open car. I feel that he's looking at me, waiting for me to tell my plan.

"What's plan, Hope?" He sits in passengers seat.

"I need more details about hotel, security, cameras, employees." I slid in car and buckle seatbelt.

"So I'm distraction object?" He chuckles without turning his head to me.

"I don't need you anymore, things changed." He rolls his eyes, leaves vehicle and goes back to house.

I drive to hotel where my target is going to stay. This island is really pretty, colorful and alive. And there it is, huge and fancy hotel. Inside it's even fancier, big reception table, modern interior, velvet couches, old Greek statues. One whole wall is window and I can see white cottages having their head popped like mushrooms.

There's two camera in every corner, they have alert button under reception table, two security guards are in the lobby and two outside. Three hidden cameras, and listening device too. Security room is behind door where only employees can go. Shit.

There's guy, the one who's helping guests with their suitcases. Attack the weak. He's young, taller than me, not really attractive but strong. He's standing there and can't take his eyes off of me.

I sit in one of the velvet armchair and wait for him. Bird is in the cage. He slowly starts walking toward me. "Hi, can I help you?"

"Hi" I smile at him. "Oh no. My friend is staying here, I'm waiting for her."

"Oh," he says, "I thought you were staying here."

"No, no." I giggle. "What's your name?"

"It's Marco. What's your name?"


"It's nice to meet you, Anna." He shakes my hand but then brings to his mouth and kisses.

"It's nice to meet you too." I smile again. "She's not showing yet," I check my purse, pretending I'm looking for something. "Shit, and I left my phone in car. I better go." I stand up, turn to exit and three, two, one...

"Anna" He stops me.

"Yes." I turn to face him.

"Hey I'm, I- I just met you and it's weird but-" He's struggling.

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