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Hope's POV...

"What kind of animal was here?" Someone almost yells.

"Be quiet, I can't even count how many times I've repeated this."

"Dude, this house is gorgeous. Perfectly suits your dark soul." He laughs. "But I still don't understand what happened here?"

As much as I despise to get up I have to. I'm in Kent's room and there's someone crazy downstairs. First thing I see is Kent's t-shirt, so I put it on my naked body and head downstairs.

"I would've assumed you had a woman, but it looks more like the work of a wild animal." I frown at dark haired, half asian man. "Oh,"Kent's head is dropped as he massages his eyelids. But then quickly looks up. "You had woman."

He eyes me from head to toe, astonished by seeing me in his shirt, still half naked. He's also shirtless, showing very pleasant, yet scarred body.

"Hello gorgeous, or should I call you panther, because this," he stretches his brows and looks around. "Is Awesome." After pointing at floor he shows me thumbs up.

"Stop it." Kent warns.

"I didn't catch your name, doll."

I scoff. "Maybe because you don't deserve it." I cock my head. "Who are you?"

"Mother Theresa, look at her attitude." He smiles joyfully and loudly clasps hands together. "My name is Sato, his best friend." Jerks thumb at Kent.

"You're not my best friend."

"Half best friend, anyway, and you?" I feel two green flames staring at me hard, they can make hole on my clothes.

"Hope." His smile drops and his eyes widen.

"Wait, wha—" he takes moment, then walks to Kent and almost whispers. "She's the Hope, like THE Hope?" Blondie shoots the look even I would be intimidated by. "Holy shit." Sato whispers to himself and scans floor one more time.

I walk past him and approach kitchen. He mumbles again. "Panther"

Kent walks in to make coffee and when he sees me next to him smile escapes his lips. My eye runs to his back, it's easy to distinguish one from the other his scars and my nails trace.

"So beside wild sex, what are you two occupied by?" Sato leans on kitchen island with elbows.

"Have you ever thought that you can be quiet?" I turn to him, annoyed.

"Don't try, he even speaks when he sleeps." Kent adds.

"Wait, how do you know?"  I ask, frowning at Kent.

"Woah, woah, as much as I'm very attractive man, I would never sleep with him. Remove your thoughts right now." Sato points at Kent. "But did you just get jealous?" He smirks at me.

"Me?" I laugh awkwardly. "Please. For love of god." I feel cold sweat.

"Wow, I'm really in lovely, flowery kitchen with two most feared criminals and sworn enemies." He tilts his head. "Feels like heaven."

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