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Hope's POV...

No one noticed me, thanks god. I'm in this very fancy school with only affluent and tastefully dressed students around me. Hoping I'll stay invisible I let myself relax and doodle something on my notebook.

But some kind of sense tells me that there are pair of eyes watching me, examining me. Terrified that someone has caught me as a girl and as a sneaked in I peer up. My gaze meets flaming, intense green eyes.

One of the spoiled teenager gawps at me with huge interest in his eyes. Leaning against wall his index caresses his lips while his eyes narrow with intrigue and anticipation. He won't look away from my unnerved eyes, at the same time corners of his lips tug up.

He looks like homeless though. White shirt untucked. Pants wrinkled. Tie loosened, miserably hanging on his neck. Long, loose slacks covering dirty white converses. Dark, almost black hair awfully messed up. Long canvas bag thrown over his shoulder. The Idiot by Dostoevsky resting in his hand.

"Hey, aren't you coming with us?" Short-skirted girl asks him with small grin.

"Later." He responds, still looking deep in my eyes.

"But come on, we want you there." She whines and following his gaze she glares at my direction

"I said not now." For a split second he gives her attention and averts those sparkling green eyes. I take my time and manage to escape...

"Hope! Are you okay?" I groan and squeeze my eyes to come back to reality.

"Yes, ugh yes." Rubbing my head I look up to see us crashed into tree. "What the hell happened?" I murmur.

"Brake wasn't working. Are you hurt? Do you feel alright?" He checks me from head to toe. While he searches my face I hold his eyes. The same green eyes. My breath frequents with same picture of two green dots staring at me and my cheeks paint red. It's him. It's him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But my body definitely didn't require more scars." I groan again and open the door to step out. He does the same. Massaging side of my head where my wound from explosion is I get on my feet. Annoyance overcomes me as sun shines directly at my eyes. "Fuck it! What the hell, brake wouldn't go out of order by itself." His jaw hardens with angst, boiling his insides. "We made enemies here from nowhere. Anyway, what matters is that we're alright." I blow out deep breath.

"Are you sure you feel okay?" Kent repeats. I nod, running my eyes down on me.

"I look... fantastic." Throwing my hands in the air I look around.

"You look lovely, don't mock yourself." My gaze jumps on him, lit up, sparks inside them. I like him saying things like that, it makes me feel things and shit, it makes my cheeks immediately turn red and suddenly I feel hot. I gulp, ashamed of my heartbeat as if he can hear it but still, it just won't stop pounding against my chest.

"Do you have any idea why this shit happened?"

"There are three people who could cut the brakes, probably that one person knows I'm here or daisy tries to get rid of us." He explains to me.

"You just got into car crash and your brain is already working better than FBI agents, I hate to say but I envy you." Tilting my head I eye him all the way up and down. "Anyway--" I trip over on something as I take first step, yeah today isn't definitely my day. Kent grabs my arm and catches me swiftly. As if nothing had happened, I stand firmly on my feet with the help of his support. "Let's go back." I utter with low voice. I'm not shy, at least I thought I wasn't. But right now I just cannot look him in the eyes or stop getting all nervous and bewildered.

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