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Hope's POV...

"And that's what I said, I mean who does that? Exactly, no one. And don't get me wrong love, but my self respect is stronger than my feelings except my feelings for you, I proudly lost my dignity for you, but anyway, where was I?" He asks, driving to Callahan's.

"Yeah, I totally get it. You were telling me that you felt sorry." We gossip for like good twenty minutes, I talked unstoppably and forced him to tell me one of his stories.

"It's actually very harmful to lie like that. Me personally, if I trust you, you should never lie to me." I gulp something hard, something like guilt.

"Honestly same, I trusted someone years ago and it costed me my future. I wanted to become a lawyer, I studied hard, I did things young girl shouldn't, like being stripper. Technically it wasn't entirely his fault, but he was involved." I tell, fidgeting with bracelet he bought.

Instead of answering there's awkward silence reigned in car. Deep scowl drawn on his face he just stares at curved road. I observe him, how he blinks few times, how he closes eyes just for a second as though he's dizzy from all the thoughts going inside of his head. He's realizing something. I fear I know what.

Driving manual he won't let go of my hand while shifting. But suddenly he moves his hand and car gets slower until it pulls over. "What's wrong? Is everything all right?" I ask.

"I just... I need some air." Silas exits car, looking in space very concentrated. He suddenly starts breathing hard and clutching his chest as his eyes get watery.

I step out as well. "Are you feeling okay? Silas, look at me," his eyes won't meet mine. "What's wrong?" I'm panicked, I don't know what to do. Heel of his hand rubs chest. Pressing eyelids tight, his breathing becomes more and more rapid.

And then he connects out gazes. Shiver rolls into my body after that intense and kind of cold stare. Something is off, something is very off. "Can I ask you something?" He asks in low, shaky voice.

I nod. My heart is about to pop out. "Is there any possibility that we've known each other before?" I just stare at him with watery eyes, "is there any," only this one desperate word can kill me now. "Any chance that you could be the one who gifted me the flask? Please, please I need to know. Are you?" I only nod, holding back tears.

It is moment I have been fearing for a long time, but knowing the truth is out now brought strange sense of relief. After so long keeping this secret, it was an odd feeling to be free of its weight.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

"How long have you known about this?" He asks.

"Initials on your flask... since I saw it." Tear rolls down but his face stays strong.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His calmness makes me even more nervous.

"I couldn't," I'll definitely start crying soon. "I still didn't know if I could trust you, you were my enemy."

He nods. "Wow, very smart and thoughtful of you." He sounds very hurt right now. "Later? When I opened my heart to you, when you made me tell you everything and how awful I was feeling? Why were you quiet when we trusted each other, when we confessed our love? Hm? When you knew how I needed you." His voice raises, ringing in abandoned territory. "What was holding you back Tate?"

"I couldn't dare. I wasn't ready to go back." I sniffle, facing consequences.

"We were meant to be!" His hoarse voice comes out desperate. "And you just ruined it... You acted like coward again," his smile is filled with disappointment. "You weren't only one who went through it, I did too, Sato did too. I deserved to know that I spent my whole life loving girl who was right in front of me and I fell for her again."

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