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"I feel like you don't understand how dumb you look, right now." I say, moving the sunglasses from my face and looking over at my twin sister. "I love you, and all. But god, you're a real idiot."

"You're so mean." She scoffs. "You really think she only wants sex?" She asks with a pout.

"Yes." I deadpan. "You know better than I do how many girls she runs through a year. She's been a hoe since like seventh grade. Don't be an idiot, Cam."

She huffs while I replace my sunglasses on my face, and look back out at the Lake.

I pick my book up and open it, but it doesn't last when our little brother begins shouting our names, running toward the dock.

Yup, I give up.

I sit up in my chair, watching as Aj sprints toward us, finally stopping when he reaches us. "What's up, Aj?" Cam asks as she puts on her t-shirt, standing up from her seat and slipping on her shoes as well.

"I just talked to Dad!" He tells us, taking a deep breath then continuing. "He said he'd be home late today. So, you guys have to make dinner. And, that tomorrow we're going to the new academy." He explains.

"Alright." Cam nods. I stand up, grabbing my book and phone, and putting in my slides before heading up the dock back toward the house.

The three of us get inside, and head to the kitchen, trying to decide what to have for Dinner.

"How about some Beef and Rice?" I suggest, looking inside the rice cooker that's full.

Dad made it before he left this morning.

"Oooh, can we have chicken, too?" Aj asks excitedly.

"Sure." I mutter. "Go shower and stuff, I'll cook." I tell both of them.

"You sure? You cooked last time-."

"I'm sure, go." I cut off Cam, who sighs but nods anyways and leads the way upstairs.

Dad isn't home late very often, anymore. After mom died last year, he would bury himself in work all the time, but he's getting better about that.

Instead of becoming a Music artist like he always dreamed, he went with a more promising occupation, in his words. He is the CEO of a big record label, and he owns a bunch of Car dealerships all over the world, which obviously brings in great money for us.

Mom died about a year ago, due to heart issues. We all saw it coming eventually, and she always told us she knew she'd die young, so we weren't super shocked, but obviously we were still upset.

Everyone says they think it took a toll on me, the most, because I'm an exact replicated version of her behavioral and I always stuck to her side. Which is true, but I'm coping in my own way.

Meanwhile, Cam is an exact psychical replica of my mom, which sometimes weird. She looks just like my mom, I look like my dad, yet we still manage to look like each other?

I don't get it, honestly.

"I heard the new academy is super nice." Cam says as she lays on my bed, scrolling through her phone while I take out my contacts and put my glasses on, instead.

"Mhmm." I hum, uninterested.

"Y'know, we wouldn't have to move schools if you knew how to control your temper." She tells me, and I roll my eyes as I put my hair up. "You know, I'm right. This is the third time we've been expelled, because of you."

"I never ask you to help me when I fight, you just do."

"No, I instigate. It's like...a hype woman." She grins, and I shake my head, shutting off my bathroom light and walking out.

"Get out, I'm going to bed." I tell her, and she pouts. "Fine, stay. I don't care." I mutter, dimming my lights and grabbing a book before getting into the large bed.

She climbs under the covers with me, laying down and facing away from me while I open my book.

I don't question why she'd rather share my bed half the time then sleep in her own room. She has this unspoken fear that one day she'll wake up and I'll be gone. She doesn't know I know, but I do.

She eventually falls asleep and I continue reading, until my door creeps open and Aj pokes his head in.

"Can I sleep with you?" He whispers, and I nod silently. He climbs up into the bed, getting into the spot between Cam and I and laying down with his head in my lap.

The front door opens around 12am, and I listen as Dad walks around downstairs for a bit, before his footsteps start uo the stairs. I hear him open Cam and Aj's doors, before stopping at mine and opening it.

"Why're you still up?" He asks me, coming in and kissing my head. I just shrug, and shut my book, setting it on my nightstand. "Get some sleep, Gray."

"Alright." I murmur, moving Aj's head before laying down, myself. I put my glssses on the bedside table, then Dad fully turns off the lights, stopping at my door.

"Love you, Gray."

"Love you too."

He shuts the door, and I stare up at the ceiling, not feeling tired at all. I let out a quiet breath, getting out of bed and standing up, grabbing my glasses and putting them on again before leaving my room.

I go downstairs, and Dad smiles when I get outside, sitting in the chair next to him on the porch.

"I knew you wouldn't actually go to sleep." He says. "What's up? You haven't been sleeping as much, lately."

I just shrug, and he hums lowly.

"You know you can take something, right? If you need help sleeping?"

"Yes, offer your seventeen year old daughter Drugs." I say sarcastically.

"Wha- no, I'm just saying-."

"I know dad." I cut him off, sighing lightly "I'm fine, sleep is overrated." I shrug.

"Or not." He responds. "Seriously, go try to sleep. You have school."

"Riiight." I drawl, standing up. "You sleep, too. I know you like to avoid sleeping because you hate sleeping without Mom. But, you need it just as much as I do." I tell him, before slipping back into the house and heading back to my room.

I lay back down, taking my glasses off and getting comfortable, and continuing to stare at the ceiling like I did before.

Sleep will come



so it's like a lil intro or wtv


updates may not be super consistent but fs i'll do it as much as i can <3 <3

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