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**Grayson, Monday**

Jae<3: So, no school today?
Me: I'm not driving to school in a fuckin blizzard
Jae<3: i'm coming over.
Jae<3: and im bringin Diego and Benji and Jan
Me: better be bringin coffee too, or don't bother showing up.
Jae<3: Aw, I can feel the love.

I already texted my Dad and told him about the blizzard, it was his idea that we just didn't go at all today.

Even though it was nearly sixty degrees just on Saturday, this blizzard came out of fucking nowhere in the middle of the night.


The three of us have only been up for about two hours, and there's already at least two feet of snow on the ground.

"Do those backup Generators in the basement still work?" Cam asks, and I hum. "If the power goes out, we'll need them."

"Yeah, they work. We got them checked at the beginning of November." Aj nods, clicking on the news channel.

'-be expecting at least 48 inches of snow.'

"Great," Cam drawls sarcastically. "Snowball fight?" She asks witha grin.

"Let's at least wait until it stops snowing. Just to be safe." I mutter, taking a sip of my coffee and wrapping the blanket around my body even tighter around me.

The front door opens and a gust of cold air comes blowing in, making Sugar jump off the couch and bark.

"Ho-ly shit!" I hear Benji exclaims. "That snow is no fucking joke!" He shouts, and Cameron grins widely.

"There's the fun." She says excitedly. "In the living room!" She shouts, and I hear the front door shut before their footsteps come toward the living room.

"I don't recommend going outside." Is the first thing Morgan said. "I thought it'd be okay to walk. It's not, don't do it, I can't feel my toes." He shivers.

"Borrow some of my sweats and socks." Aj motions toward the stairs. Morgan nods, quickly making his way up the stairs while the rest of the guys join us on the couch. I open one side of my blanket, expecting Jae, but Benji sits down isntead, kissing my cheek and resting his head on my shoulder.

"I've missed you, Boo Boo- AH!" He screams out when Jae grabs him by the hair, pulling him up.

"Get away from my girlfriend, bitch." He grumbles bitterly, taking the seat and wiping my cheek with his freezing hand, before kissing the same spot. "Hey." He smiles.

"Hey," I chuckle back. "Your hands are cold, don't touch me." He just rolls his eyes, moving my blanket and pulling em onto his lap before covering us again.

I feel his cold fingertips on my stomach, and my eyes widen in alarm.

"Jae, do not touch my-Fuck!" I exclaim, moving away from him when his cold ass hands touch my boobs that were warm less than a second ago.

"Hand warmers." He grins, pulling me back to his chest and moving his hands from inside my bra to my stomach instead. "Why is your body so warm." He murmurs, burying is face into my neck.

"I'm gonna stab you if you ever touch my tits with cold ass hands like that again." I warn seriously.

"I have a great personal hand warmer if you wanna try it out." He says suggestively, and I scoff, scotting off of his lap and taking my blanket with me. "Hey, I'm cold." He whines.

"Freeze, bitch." I grumble, wrapping the blanket around myself again.

He's such a perv. Make's me wonder why I ever like him in the first place.

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