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**Jae, March 3rd(big time skip ik idc)**

"Mrs.Lawson's on my ass about College applications," Diego says in annoyance.

"We already got accpected into University of Seattle. Didn't you tell her that?" Benji responds as as puts the coffee's the Barista handed us into trays, and I grab the bags of food she slid across the counter to me.

"She says with my GPA, I should be going to an Ivy League, somewhere." He mutters back.

"You did get accepted into Harvard. And Columbia, right?" Morgan asks back, while Diego just sighs.

"I'm not going to those rich people schools. I'm good here, with you guys."

Diego is probably the smartest out of all of us. Valedictorian, a 4.9 GPA, and was already taking College courses in Sophomore year. But the three of us applied to University together like we'd been planning on since eigth grade, and we all got in.

Then,Morgan joining us when he graduates.

It's been our plan for a long time.

"Fair point," Morgan nods. "Has anyone heard from the DeAngelo's since last night?" He asks, and we all shake our heads, except for Jan who nods.

Grayson went ghost on me after about 6pm, and I didn't question it because she's random and she probably either got high, was reading a book, or was just not responding. She does what she does.

"Aj said their dad left back to New York for another Month. The girls apparently went out last night and didn't get home until 2am." He tells us, and I furrow my eyebrows.

Oh, or they went out.

"Are they coming to school? Should we take their coffee to them?" Benji questions, nodding down at the coffee and breakfast sandwiches we already bought htem.

"They're already there." Jan responds.

"Well, let's not keep her highnesses waiting." Diego mutters. "And Aj."




"Wow, you look...wow."

"Shhh," Gray says, laying her head back down into her arms and groaning quietly.

"What did you do to her?" Benji chuckles, handing the coffee to Cameron who looks almost as bad as Grayson does.

"Too loud, hush." She just shakes her head, sipping the coffee. "Is that for me?" She gasps when Diego holds out the chocolate croissant. She takes it happily, opening it and immediately taking a bite, sighing in delight.

"They got cross-faded. You should've seen them when they got home." Aj chuckles, shaking his head. "I almost felt bad."

"Seriously?" I ask Grayson, who lifts her head.

Her glasses are crooked on her face, and her eyes are still red, and her cheeks are redder than they usually are.

"I think I have alcohol poisioning." She whispers, pulling her hood up and sititng up, grabbing her coffee and groaning lowly.

"What did you guys drink?" Morgan asks, clearly amused by their current state.

"What didn't we drink?" Cameron asks back, looking at Cameron.

"Apple Juice. We didn't have any apple juice." Grayson mutters. "Does anynoe want Sushi?" She asks, and Cam nods groggily.

"I do, can we get some?"

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