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**Jae, a week later**

"So...what do you think's wrong?" Morgan asks me, and I just let out an annoyed groan, running my hands down my face.

"I don't know, anymore." I respond, looking over at him. "She won't talk to me. She's been ignoring me. I mean, I know how she gets sometimes. I'm used to the lack of communication to a certain extent. BUt since she left...somethings been off with her."

"Maybe she reunited with her old lover in New York, and they're gonna run off to Paris together, get married, have five kids, and eat baguettes."

I glare at Benji, who smiles innocently and goes back to silently playing Mario Kart on the switch that Morgan gave him to keep him entertained while we talked.

"Well, she's coming back today, right?" He asks, and I nod. "Then talk to her. You know her better than any of us, so if anyone could figure otu what's wrong. It'd be you."

"I just don't get it. NOthing happened. Everything was fine." I mutter, leaning back against the wall and staring at the field in front of us. "We were doing so good."

"Don't stress, Man. I'm sure it's all gonna be fine."

"Cam said she's been weird this past week." We all look at Hailey who we'd offered to join us out here since she'd been alone in the Cafeteria when we walked through, and Benji decided that befriending Cameron's girlfriend would be a good idea. "She said she thinks her anxiety' getting to her. BUt she doesn't know why."

God, I hope not.

"What time are they getting back?" I ask ehr.

I tried texting Gray to ask her, but she just left me on read.

"Around 4pm. They're at the airport now."

"Just three hours, then you cna go smother her with all your love and affection." Morgan says, nudging my shoulder with his own.





At 5pm, I drive over to Grayson's house, deciding that giving her somet imet o get situated before I bombarded her would be the ncie thing to do.

I park in their driveway, walking up the steps and knocking even though Mr.DeAngelo has told me multiple times I could just walk in whenever I was here.

The door opens, and Aj's eyes light up when he sees me.

"Thank god." He exclaims. "Go fix her. I dunno what's up, but she's being a bitch to everyone." He tells me as I step inside, removing my shoes.

"She's in her room?" I ask, and he nods quickly. "Thanks, Kid." I ruffle his hair, before heading toward the steps and heading up and toward her bedroom.

Her music is blaring, and I immediately know somethings up when I hear Bring Me the Horizon's 'Can you feel my heart' blaring.

Yeah, soemthing's definitely up. Her thoughts are one hundred percent fucking with her.

Her go-to type of music when her thoughts are overbearing or drowning her is the type of music that you could scream at the top of your lungs while crying, as she describes it. It helps drown out the thoughts, according to her.

I open her door, leaning against the doorframe as a bit of dissapointment settles in my chest when I find her laying on her bed, nothing but a pair of underwear and a skimpy cropped cami top covering her body even though her room is freezing, and a blue esco bar in her hands while she blows some smoke toward her ceiling.

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