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**Grayson, the next morning**

I wake up at 6:30 when my alarm goes off, and see that both Cam and Aj have already left my bed.

I put on my glasses, yawning tiredly as I go into my bathroom and start brushing my teeth. I turn on my shower, shutting the bathroom door before stripping down and getting in.

I don't realize I still have glasses in until they fog up, and I take them off, setting them on the little ledge in my shower, before I begin to wash up.

I exfoliate my skin, then wash my face, then exfoliate my face, then let my hair out of the falling apart bun it's in and get it wet. I run my fingers through it a few times, before shutting off the water and grabbing my towel.

I get out of the shower, opening the bathroom door and then standing in front of the mirror. I secure the towel around my body, before grabbing my face products and applying them, then getting my hair products and brushing it all through my curls.

I flip it a few times and decide to let it air dry, walking out of my bathroom and to my closet. I put on a pair of underwear and a bra, and at the perfect time because my door slams open revealing Cam, who is fully dressed.

She has on a white skater skirt that flows to her mid thighs and a matching white tube too that stops right above her bellybutton, and a pink cardigan over it with a pair of white thigh-high socks.

"How do I look?" She asks, and I look up at her.

"Fine." I reply, pulling on my pants and zipping them up. "Don't you know what knocking is?"

"I do, I just don't care." She beams. "Can I borrow your pink and white forces?" She asks, and I shrug. She grabs them from my closet while I grab a shirt black top, pulling it over my grey bra.

I go back into my bathroom, replacing my glasses with contacts and then putting in my earrings. I have a few ear piercings, and a bellybutton piercing. Nothing too serious. I also have a few tattoos on my arm, that I got without my parents knowledge. They didn't care when they found out, though.

They knew about all of my others ones, though. Encouraged them, if anything. 

Especially my mom...

I put on some lotion and baby oil, then grab my makeup bag and unzip it. Little bit of concealer, some blush, eyeliner, mascara, and a lip tint. Nothing crazy, but enough to make me look not half dead.

I clean up my bathroom quickly, then grab my backpack that has a notebook, a single pen, and two books in it, then my phone and headphones and head downstairs.

Dad smiles at me when I come into the kitchen, and I nod as I open the fridge, taking out a Red bull.

"Ah- "

"Water first, I know." I cut him off, putting the red bull in the side pocket of my bag then grabbing a bottle of water. Aj and Cam come into the kitchen, both of them grabbing some cereal and pouring some for themselves.

"Okay, let's go over this." Dad says, standing in front of the Island that the three of us are sitting at. "No fighting. No starting issues. If something happens, at least for today, just walk away. You don't need to fight, Grayson."

"Sure." I shrug quietly, finishing my bottle of water.

"I'm serious. Try not to get suspended for at least a month."

"So, on September 27th, exactly a Month from today, I can get suspended?" I ask.

"Wha- yes, sure." he sighs.

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