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**Grayson, Christmas Eve** (A/N: idk how far away last chap was from Christmas but yk yay)

"Are you guys sure this is safe?" Benji asks with wide eyes as Cam helps him tie the Ice Skates he has on. "What if the ice breaks and we fall in?" He gasps.

"We've been doing this since we were like four." Cam waves him off. "The lake freezes really easily. And the ice is thick, we checked." She assures him.

"How are you so good at this?" Jae asks me as he wobbles on the ice next to me.

"Practice." I shrug back as I easily balance on the blades. "It's easy."

"For you," He deadpans, and I just shrug.

Things have been really chill lately. School got out about Nine days ago, and we don't have to go back until the Fifth. We have a lot of family in town at the moment, majority of them inside of our house hanging out.

We decided to invite the guys over to ice skate with us, since we were planning on hanging out anyways afterwards. Apparently only Morgan haev ice skated before, so Diego, Benji and Jae are struggling.

It's funny.

"Why is he so good at this?" Benji exclaims, watching Aj skate around the ice professionally.

He's obviously very impressed with this.

"Help me." Jae whines, grabbing my hands when he almost falls.

I can't help my light laugh, helping him balance on the ice.

"Move slowly, don't rush it." I tell him. "I won't let you fall, you big baby."

He maturely sticks his tongue out at me, and I smile back lightly.

"Your cheeks are all red." I point out.

"It's like negative twenty degrees out here." he mumbles back.

"It's fifteen." I correct him, and he just mocks me with a playful smile.




"I'm never ice skating again." Benji complains as we all sit in some lounge, cups of either hot chocolate or hot coffee. "It's not fun, and I could've died."

"Stop bitching." Cameron rolls her eyes. "You had fun, don't deny it."

"No! I didn't!" He exclaims with a scoff. "Babe, she's invalidating my feelings." He then whines to Morgan. Morgan just pats his shoulder comfortingly, and sips his coffee.

"You're dating a crybaby."

"I don't like you." Benji scowls at my twin, and she just smiles, and blows him a kiss. He just keeps scowling, and I shake my head in amusement at them.

"So, when does this Christmas party start?" Morgan asks Cam and I. "And what are we supposed to bring?"

"Don't bother bringing anything." Cam shakes her head. "It starts in...two hours." She says after looking at her watch.

"My mom is overly excited for this." Diego murmurs. "My sister is, too."

Diego's sister is flying in from their Aunts place in Columbia for Christmas to spend it with him and his Mom. So we invited them. Along with Benji's parents, and Morgan and Jae's Dad. We figured it'd be nice of us to invite them since they all haven't officially met Dad.

Aside from Jae's Dad, he has. 

"How long has it been since she's been here?" Cam asks curiously.

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