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"Do you even understand how hard it is to shop for you?" Drew whines as he hands me the fifth present he's gotten for me. "I mean, you're impossible to shop for."

"You've gotten her the most presents out of all of us." Aj pouts, crossing his arms.

"I don't pick favorite, young one." He waves him off. "But you're my favorite." He then whispers.

"I heard that!" Ah exclaims in offense, making Drew grin and toss him a wrapped present, which he catches with ease and greedily unwraps.

Our fmaily got here around 9am, which we then made breakfast (by we I mean mainly Nico, and I because everyone else was too busy watching Christmas Movies in the living room).

After breakfast and we'd all eaten, we moved onto opening presents.

Now it's 11, and there's still at least forty presents gathered in our living room.

Having a big, rich family does that, I guess.

And everyone isn't even here.

So far we have Alaric, Alaria, Vera, Alicia, Bam, Nico, Andrew, Ezra, and whatever chilrdren the lot of them have concieved.

Fun, I know.

Not as many as usual. Grandpa stayed back in New York and spent Christmas with our other Grandparents who aren't actually our grandparents but y'know, family by bond, not by blood. Then Ezra's husband went to spend Christmas with his family in Toronto, and I honestly don't know about everyone else.

I didn't bother asking, that would lead to whole conversation, and I don't have the energy to do that.

"Did you really buy him Condoms?" Dad whisper-shouts to Andrew. "He's 14."

"Do you wanna know what I was doing when I was 14?" Drew asks back with a smirk.

"Yes!" "God, please no." Dad and Aj say in sync, and Drew chuckles.

"Here, nice twin. Open this." Vera hands Cameron a present, who smiles gleefully and removes the tissue paper from the bag, before pulling out a pair of socks.

With the Lesbian flag design printed on them.

"Brilliant," Cameron laughs, and Vera beams in response. "Would you be mad if I told you I got you the same pair?" She asks, handing Vera a gift bag.

"Great minds think alike." Vera sings gleefully.

My phone buzzes on my lap, and I pick it up, flipping it over and reading the message.

Jae<3: Can I come now? You busy?
Me: Nope, come on over.
Jae<3: I don't have my hearing aids in, jsyk
Me: That's fine, hurry up.
Jae<3: Yes, captain.

"Jae's stopping by. I have to give him his present." I tell my Dad, standing up.

"You guys better not having a quickie!" Alaric points a finger at me warnignly.

"Alraris," Dad sighs in annoyance. "but he's right." He then addresses me.

I just roll my eyes, ignoring my annoying Uncle before heading to the front door and waiting for him to knock.

To be honest, my gift isn't the best. It's not the most thoughtful, and not very expensive.

But hopefully, it'll make him happy.


As I make Jae wait on my bed and grab the neatly wrapped box from ym closet, I begin overthinking about his gist.

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