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**Grayson, two days later(day after the quince)**

The quince was pretty fun. The food was the best part, but I guess the rest of it was alright, too.

I taught Jae how to dance Bachata, and he was surprsingly really good at it. Then, of course, Cameron made me dance with her and that started a whoel thing.

But all in all, I didn't have the worse time.

Today is the day I'm really dreading. The day after party.

We're all going to Mia's Abuelas house for food, and to chill. But everyone's gonna be there, meaning her moms side of the family, her dads (my) side of the family, plus extra people that I probably won't even know.

Currently, Jae and I are sitting in a Mcdonalds parking lot, eating hashbrowns and drinking frappes while we stall.

We left Sugar with my dad and Aj, today. I wanted to keep him, but Aj beat me in rock paper scissors so they got him.

"All day. But, I'm sure we can sneak away." I reply, crumbling up my trash and putting it in the bag. "Lucky you, you seemed to be a lady magnet with the Tia's."

"Lucky?" He asks back jokingly, and I hum. "What can I say? The tia's love me." He say with a cocky grin, and I can't help the smile that appears.

He stares at me for a few seconds, and my smile fades slowly, being replaced with a confused look.


"You smiled." He replies, slowly smiling, himself. "It was a half smile, but it counts. You finally gave me a smile."

"It was an involuntary reflex." I mutter and he just hums, still happy. "You're excited about that?"

"It means you like me." He sings back, and I roll my eyes. "Do it again, it's pretty." He says, and I just shake my head, starting up the car. "C'mon, one more smile." He reaches over to touch my face, and I smack his hand away, making him whine.

"You really bother me." I tell him, restarting my car and taking off my jacket.

"I don't think so."


We arrive the house, and immediately i regret agreeing to come.

At 10 in the morning, there's already Aventura playing through the speakers and it smells like food.

This is normal, but it's not something I'm used to.

"You're late." Dad says to us when we reach the backyard where plenty of people are gethered, talking, drinking beers, and just hanging out.

"We went to Mcdonalds." Jae replies.

"Brought you a hashbrown." I then say, holding up the small bag that contains his hashbrow.

"Tardiness excused." He says, taking the bag and walking away from us.

"Wow, it actually worked." Jae murmurs, and I shrug.

Always does.

"Is that Grayson!" I hear a loud, high-pitched squeal. "Wow, you really had the nerve to show up?"

Lord have mercy on my soul

She approaches me with crossed arms, looking me up and down in distaste. Her eyes move past me, and they widen slightly, her hands dropping from where they were crossed.

"Who's the hottie?" She whisper to me, and I turn, seeing Jae standing behind me, waiting patiently.

"Nunya." I respond, stpeping away from her.

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