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**Jae, Saturday**

"Are you excited?" Morgan asks as we load my last few boxes into the mini U-haul truck I rented out to help me move.

"Hell yeah." I reply with a smile, and he smiles back. "Finally my own place."

"You're not gonna forget baout lil ole' me, right?"

"As if." I scoff in response, and he sighs. "What? Gonna miss me or something?" I joke.

"Yeah." He answers with a shrug. "As long as I still get to see you."

"We attend the same school still, smartass."

"You act like you actually stay for more than two hours everday."

"Okay, we'll see each other like everyday, Mor. Don't stress." I assure him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Now here," I toss him my keys. "Follow me."

He nods, getting into my car while I get into the driver seat of the U-haul and start it up.


About ten minutes after Morgan and I get to the apartment, Gray shows up followed by Benji and Diego.

Apprently Cam had some kind of date today, so she couldn't help. I'm not trippin, though.

"Where do you want these?" Gray holds up a box labeled 'my stuff'

"In my room. The first one." She nods and takes it back, and I continue unpacking the kitchen stuff I bought and organizing it where I want it to go.

"God, now you have to go Grocery Shopping." Benji says. "My mom made me go for her once, and I almost cried because of how stressful it was. Why is there so many types of milk?" He sighs, shaking his head to himself.

"Babe," Morgan says with an amused look. "It isn't that hard, you're just kinda slow. But it's okay."

Benji flips him off, and Morgan winks, making me internlaly gag before I continue my Task.

"Where are you taking her, tonight?" Diego asks me.

"To dinner." I reply. "And maybe somewhere else, if she wants."

"Back here." Benji wiggles his eyebrows, and I roll my eyes.


"Your bathtub is big." We all turn and look at Grayson whens he enters the room. "It's like mine."

"Big enough for two people." Benji wiggles his eyebrows again.

"Don't make me kick you out, already." I threaten, and he winks dramatically, before opening another box of things.

"Anyways," Grayson ignores his joke. "Where're you bedsheets and stuff? I'll make your bed."

"I'll help." I offer, handing my current task over to Diego before grabbing the two boxes that have the stuff for my room. She takes the one off the top and leads the way down the short hallway and into my new bedroom.

We get my bed made and she takes it upon herself to organize the few stuffed Animals I have. She won't admit it, but she's kind of a neat freak sometimes. But, I don't really mind.

"Do you have any pictures to hang up?" She asks, and I nod at the box labeled "pics"

She opens it and starts pulling the frames out, looking at each one before stopping at one of my favorite pictures. She turns it so I can see, and I smile and shrug at her.

It's a picture of her and I in her room. We were playing Mario-Kart on her TV, and she'd been laying upside down on her bed so I joined her and took a picture.

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