1. Sofia

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Tyrion Lannister and Sofia Baratheon were the best of friends. They were the babies of the family and moved to the capitol around the same time so they explored together while the grown ups tried to rebuild what the mad king destroyed.

Fia was 6 when Robert became the king and she thought it was the coolest thing ever. She remembered the day Robert sat on the throne for the first time, she ran up the steps and he pulled her into his lap.

"This is all ours now Fia,' he told her. 'You are a princess.' Robert told her. Being a lady of the Stormlands she was already treated like a princess, she was the only girl in a castle full of boys and over 15 years younger than Robert.

When Robert married Cersei Lannister, Fia was ecstatic. Tyrion was only a few years older than her and she didn't have to crane her neck up to look at him. Tywin was all too happy to be rid of his son, so after the wedding Tywin went back to the rock and his three children stayed at King's landing.

At the wedding Fia dance and dance and danced until she was dizzy. Fia thought cersei was so beautiful and Robert so handsome as she spun around happily. Fia spun right into Tyrion her head spinning still as she smiled over at him.

"I'm Sofia.' She said happily giving him a dizzy curtesy.

'Tyrion.' He told her.

'You wanna dance?' She asked but before he could answer she was pulling him with her. they became inseparable after that. Tyrion thought moving to the capitol with his family was going to be a disaster but he found a friend right away that treated him as though he was special. Not different.

At first having the Baratheon siblings at the castle kept Cersei's younger brother busy but the queen was less than happy with her husband. Cersei was so excited it has been hers by right and her father being one of the richest man in Westeros the title was hers. Cersei was to be queen and she was so excited. Robert was so handsome, he was a warrior and he had claimed the crown took down the mad king she was the envy of all the other girls. But Robert had said Lyanna when he climbed on top of her on their wedding night.

So seeing the bubbly little Baratheon running around her black hair bouncing in the wind the next day.... she decided from that day on she was going to hate all Baratheon's and all Starks.

Fia didn't notice that the queen hadn't taken a liking to her. She had noticed a strange comings and going's of Jaime from Cersei's private chambers. Everything was so new in the capital and she had a friend she wasn't really concerned about anything else. Including the vengeful glares she would get from the queen when her back was turned.

Another thing Cersei hated was how much Robert adored his baby sister. When cersei fell pregnant although the children had came out with the blondest of hair and Cersei knew for sure that they were not Robert's children she still hated that Robert did not love them. For all he knew they were his children blonde haired blue eyed children. Compared to the black haired dark eyed Baratheon nature.

Robert always loved his baby sister more. She was his pride and joy, his little ball of light. And his own children were just a nuisance. And Cersei's envy over little girl only got worse as she aged into a beautiful young woman. As Robert got fat and drunk whoring his way around Kings Landing. Meanwhile Fia was young and beautiful catching everyone's attention. Even her own children adored their aunt Fia. All except Joffrey. He didn't take to her that made Cersei love Joffrey all the more.

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