15. Gag him

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'I'm sorry my Lord we are filled up every room.'

'My men can sleep in the stable as for myself I do not require a large room.' Tyrion insisted. 'and my darling companion,' he gestured to Fia and she put on her best smile. 'Don't say no to that face.' Tyrion encouraged.

'Sincerely my Lord we have nothing.'

'Is there nothing I can do...' Tyrion said knocking a coin on the table 'to remedy this?'

'You can have my room.' Bronn said

'There's a clever man.' Tyrion said tossing him the coin. His eyes scanned the room, landing on none other than Catelyn stark. 'Pleasure to see you again my lady.' Tyrion said kindly bowing to her but Catelyn did not look happy to see him one bit.

'Lady stark, we were just at Winterfell, so wonderful to hear that Bran is awake.' Fia added. But Catelyn sneered at them. Soon she was calling upon all the men from all different houses to stand and defend her and her sons honor, as a Tully and a Stark. The noise of swords being draw in their direction caused Tyrion to startle and Fia stumbled back confused.

"Lady stark,' Tyrion said with a hint of bitterness and his guards were incapacitated.

'I am Sofia Baratheon.' She declared. 'You lay a hand on me and my brother will have your heads!' she informed them. But they grabbed her at catelyns request. 'My brother is the king!" Fia shouted. 'Don't die for her, for false treason!" Fia begged. But Catelyn thought that if Fia got back to kings landing Ned would bed her and Tyrion she knew was responsible for the attack on Bran. Might as well kill two royals with one blow. They were dragged away from the inn, still tried and hungry from their journey but not going to get rest anytime soon.


'You said we were going to Winterfell but we are headed in the wrong direction.' Tyrion remarked. Fia twisted her wrists, she felt them rub raw under the ropes she groaned her feet dragging with every step.

'I did and loudly.' Catelyn agreed.

'Very clever of you Catelyn... they'll be looking for me in all the wrong places but word has probably gotten to my father and the king no doubt soon enough... and my father will be offering a handsome reward.' Tyrion reminded the guards. 'Everyone knows a Lannister always pays his debts... would you be so good just untie me and my darling companion?'

'Why would I do that?' Catelyn questioned incredulously. Bronn was sharpening his sword looking over at the little lord he could get a nice penny off of returning him safely. He looked to Fia's anxious face, he didn't know why lady stark wanted the King's sister brought to the veil but he would get a hefty reward for her safe return to her. the poor girl looked on the verge of collapsing. Her delicate face pale, her black hair making her look even more pale. Bronn stepped forward and offered her some water she nodded and he brought it to her lips.

"Thank you,' she mumbled anxiously looking around.

'Why not?' Tyrion suggested 'am I going to run? the hill tribes would kill me for my boots unless a shadow cat-'

'Shadow cats and hill tribes are the least of your worries.' Catelyn assured him.

'The eastern road...' Tyrion noted the trail ahead of them. 'we are going to the veil you're taking me to your sister to answer from my imagined crimes.' Tyrion said letting out a huff of a breath. 'tell me lady stark when was the last time you saw your sister?' tyrion asked

'Many years ago.' She admitted.

'She has changed.' Tyrion informed her, 'she has always been a bit touchy but now you might as well kill me here.'

'I am not a murderer, Lannister.'

'Neither am I.' Tyrion exclaimed. 'I have nothing to do with the attempt of your son's life.' Tyrion told her.

'The dagger found-'

'What imbecile arms an assassin with his own blade?' Tyrion reminded her.

'Can I gag him?' one of catelyns men suggested.

'Why am I starting to make sense?' tyrion questioned. 'and what do you think Fia did? You honestly think the king wont have all your heads after he finds out you took his baby sister? He loves her more than he loves his own children!' Tyrion added. 'You let us go now and we all go home.' Tyrion told her. 'Right Fia? We go our separate ways and no one has to know of your attempts at our lives.' Fia nodded her eyes met Bronn again. Silently pleading. 

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