24. King of the North

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'It is clear if we join forces with Renly Baratheon then he will help us get justice.'

'But Renly is not the king.' Robb remarked

'You cannot bend the knee to Joffrey my Lord he put your father to death!'

'That does not make Renly King, he is Robert's youngest brother.' Robb told them 'if Brandon can't be Lord of Winterfell before me Renly cannot become king before Stanis.'

'Do you mean to tell me that you stand with Stanis?'

'Renly is not right!' They declared. They started bickering amongst themselves agreeing and disagreeing who would be a better king who should they follow who would win?

'The littlest Baratheon, Sofia would be a better alternative to Joffrey!'

'My Lord my Lord there are two kings here is what I have to say about that!' Umber spit on the ground 'Renly Baratheon means nothing to me. Stanis or Sofia either!'

'why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the south? what do they know of the war? Of the Wolfwood? Maybe the gods are wrong. Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again as it was during the time of the dragons.'

'Now the dragons are dead!' he sheathed sword 'There is only one King I need to bend my knee to.' Umber said pointing at Robb 'the king of the north!' he declared kneeling before Robb.

'I will have peace on those terms.' another man agreed

'They can keep the red castle and their iron chair too. The king in the north.' he agreed bowing before Robb as well

'I am your brother, now and always.' Theon said

'Now and always.' Rob agreed

'My sword is yours the victory and defeat.' Theon said 'to this day until my last day.'

'The king of the north'

'The king of the north'

'The king of the north!' they repeated as they all bow down before Robb laying their swords at his feet.


Joffrey's name day celebration was in full swing when they arrived at the castle. A man was currently having wine pour down his throat to the point of choking Joffrey was smiling maliciously

'You can't!' Sansa sputtered

'What did you just say? Did you just say I can't?' Joffrey questioned

'I just mean that would be bad luck to kill a man on name day.' Sansa clarified.

'Some sort of peasant superstition.' Joffrey muttered brushing it off

'No the girl is right,' Sandor told him 'what a man sows on his name day he reaps all year.'

'Take him away I will have him killed tomorrow, the fool.' Joffrey said as the man was thrown to the ground spewing out the wine that was forced down him.

'A fool, you are so clever.' Sansa told him 'he would make a much better fool than a knight, he does not deserve the mercy of a quick death.'

'Did you hear my lady? From this day you will be my new fool.' Joffrey decreed.

'Thank you your Grace and you my lady thank you.' He said bowing before them nervously.

'Beloved nephew' Tyrion said approaching 'we looked for you on the battlefield you were nowhere to be found.' Tyrion remarked pouring a glass of wine.

'I've been here ruling the kingdom's.' Joffrey said pompously. 'hello Aunt Sofia.' Joffrey said sweetly but his words held venom.

'hello, nephew,' Fia said stiffly, Joffrey watched her as she moved to Marcella and Tommen. 'you missed your auntie, right?' Fia asked as she kissed both their heads.

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