3. Rugged handsome northerners

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'Are you sure you know what you're doing?' Fia questioned as tyrion unlaced her dress

'Of course my love,' he told her.

The first time Tyrion laid with a woman it went poorly. Jaime had sat it up and it broke his heart. The second time he wasn't about to make the same mistakes, not with someone he actually loved, not a drunken mistake. Tyrion still didn't know what he was doing but luckily for him Fia didn't either.

Fia nodded smiling sheepishly as she dress fell to the floor.

'So beautiful,' Tyrion told her his hands running along her delicate curves. He lay her back on the bed as he pulled off his clothes, Fia looked to him nervously. 'We don't have to-' Tyrion began.

'I want to.' she told him. 'I've just never... I don't know what I'm supposed to do.' Fia admitted.

'That's okay,' Tyrion didn't really know what to do either, he knew the gist of it but they would figure it out, together. Fia giggled as Tyrion kissed down her chest and stomach. He looked up to her.

'What? I'm ticklish!" she declared, his hands moved along her sides. He guided himself to her core and Fia's face pinched at the pressure, her smile gone.

'I'm sorry,' he told her. 'It gets better, I promise.' She nodded stiffly. 'I'm sorry,' he kissed her again. Trying to bring her some pleasure to dull the pain.


Fia and Tyrion were inseparable for years and solidifying their relationship, their love only brought them closer. Tyrion thought but as they grew up as Fia got older and taller and more beautiful by the day it seemed, Tyrion thought that she was going to grow bored of him. He got older but he stayed the same his face changed slightly while the rest of him remains short and stout and he kept having to look higher and higher to get to her pretty face. But she still adored him. And Tyrion loved her all the more for it.

'We are headed to Winterfell. It's going to be a moons travel and I want you to be on your very best behavior.' Robert was telling Sofia and she just smiled sweetly before a laugh covered the room. 'I know I know,' he said 'you are my perfect girl.' Robert said pressing a kissed her forehead.

'When are we leaving? Why are we leaving? are we getting NED!' Fia exclaimed

'That's the goal since John Aryn passed... poor lad I need a new hand and who better than our dear old pal Ned.' Robert told her

'It will be so wonderful to have Ned in the capital. Do you think you'll say yes?' Fia questioned.

'I'm not really give him a choice in the matter he's coming back with us Fi.' Robert told her with a chuckle.

'Right, right,' she said walking off she had to tell Tyrion. As she was walking down the hall long arms long legs swinging as she walked her hair bouncing behind her a black ribbon in her hair pulling it away from her face she felt a sudden tug on her hand pulling her into a room. She fell to her knees laughing as Tyrion pressed a kissed her lips.

'You're always smiling you know that?" Tyrion questioned holding her face in his hands.

'Well I have a good reason to smile.' Fia told him mischievously

'Oh does that have something to do with me?' Tyrion said his hands sliding down her sides.

'It does but also... We are going to Winterfell.' Fia told him happily.

'And you're happy about that?'

'Of course I'm happy about that,' she told him excitedly. 'We are going to get Ned Stark to be the new Hand of the king!' Fia said happily.

'But Winterfell? My dear please, I don't want to go you don't want to go to month travel and it's Winterfell that's north very far north.' Tyrion told her hating the idea, 'I don't do well in the cold neither do you might I remind you.'

'I would do fine in the north, so will you. It'll be fine it'll be an adventure you're going and I'm not taking no for an answer.' Fia told him confidently.

'You're not taking no for an answer?' he teased as she leaned into him.

'No. You want me to go all the way there and all the way back and spend all those time with those rugged handsome northerners,' she began and Tyrion rolled his eyes.

'You're not playing fair you know that?'

'It's a whole moon there and a whole moon back and a girl can get so lonely...' she told him sweetly

'You're not playing fair,' tyrion told her pressing his lips to hers again

'I know,' she whispered against him.

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