4. Welcome to the North

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'What are you doing?' Ned questioned, "where did you get that?' he pulled the helmet from arya's head and flattened her hair down. 'Go.' He told her pointing down the row of starks as the royal family approached.

'Where's the imp?' Arya questioned getting into her spot.

'Shut up.' Sansa hissed as Robert heartily slide down from his horse once they were inside the capital, Fia stared, taking in everything around her as her horse came to a halt she hadn't seen Ned in years. He had always treated her like a sister and she was excited for him to come back to the capitol with them. she slide off her horse bumping into Sandor, he grumbled down at her.

'Watch it girl.' He grumbled before seeing who it was and his face soften just slightly under his helmet. Fia offered him a small smile before following after her brother.

Ned Stark and his family bowed before Robert, dropping to their knees as Robert approached. Robert motioned for Ned to stand, Ned rose as did the rest of his family.

'Your Grace,' Ned said tipping his head to Robert.

'You got fat,' Robert noted but Ned looked down to Roberts stomach both men started laughing before they hugged joyously.

'Cat' Robert said happily hugging her before fussing with rickon's hair. 'Nine years it has been nine long years, I have not seen you where have you been?' Robert asked

'I've been here guarding the north for you, your grace.' Ned said obediently. Robert went down the row of stark children greeting them.

'You must be Robb,' the king said shaking his hand, sansa smiled sweetly, while arya looked bored, Bran was asked to show the king his muscles, the boy smiled as he raised up his arms. 'He's going to be a fighter, a soldier!' Robert said before moving back to Ned.

'Fia!' Ned said happily as she approached she hugged him tight. 'Look at you.' Ned said sweetly, 'last I saw you, you were just a little thing, barely 12 I believe.'

'Our little Fia just had her 21st name day.' Robert recalled.

'I see you got my present.' Ned remarked looking to her neck, her fingers went to it immediately.

'it's my favorite, I never take it off.' Fia told him happily. It was a mini crown, on a chain, to remind her that she was always a princess. Catelyn gave Fia a stink eye as she hugged Ned but Fia loved Ned like a brother, nothing more, but Catelyn didn't see it that way. Fia's heart already belonged to the smallest and wittiest man in westeros.

'It is an honor to have you, your grace.' Catelyn said crusting before cersei.

'Take me to the crypts... Come on I want to pay my respects' Robert said leading Ned away.

''We've been riding for a full moon don't you think the dead can wait?' Cersei called after them.

'Come on let's go,' Robert said leaving his family behind

As the royal party dispersed, Catelyn leading the Queen and her children through the castle and into their rooms Fia caught sight of Tyrion sneaking into the stables.

"Where were you?" Tyrion jumped a hand to his heart making Fia chuckle.

'I was getting supplies.' He told her pulling out the ale from his saddle. 'If we are going to survive these people-'

'I like Ned.' Fia reminded him.

'I know my sweet but look at where we are...' Tyrion reminded her.

'Shut up,' Fia grabbed the jug from him. Her face pinched as she swallowed it down. 'what kind of hell is that?' she questioned handing it back.

'Welcome to the north my love.' 

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