7. Rough night

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'Rough night imp?' Sandor questioned fixing his boots.

'If I get through this without scratching one end or the other it will be a miracle.' Tyrion told him drunkenly, his head was spinning, he hated the north.

'Didn't pick you for a hunter.'

'I am the greatest in the land my spear never misses.' he said drunkenly, his words slurred.

'It's not hunting if you pay for it.' Sandor remarked getting up as Tyrion yawned tipping his head back into the stables.

'That's where you went.' Fia said coming up to them. She looked to Sandor as he passed, she and him were basically strangers even though she had known him for years. She knew Sandor almost as long as she knew Tyrion yet the scarred man and her hadn't exchanged more than a few words over the past decade. 'Hello Sandor.' She said softly he grumbled a hello as he left.

"Charming as always, isn't he?' Tyrion teased as fia sat down next to him.

'What are you doing out here?' Fia questioned leaning into him.

'I meant to come back to you,' Tyrion told her. 'but I drank a bit much last night.'

'No shit,' Fia said laughing, 'do you remember last night?' Tyrion shook his head pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Do I want to?' he countered.

'You came into my room pulling at your pants before you said you thought you left your cock outside.' Fia told him laughing.

'Shut up.... I did not.' Tyrion told her confidently.

'You did. You left and I waited for you to find it but you never came back and I fell asleep.' Fia told him.

'So a shit night for both of us.' Tyrion remarked. 'We could always sneak away-'

'Lady Sofia.' Robb said kindly and Fia looked past him to see Ned smirking. 'Would you allow me to walk you to the great hall so we might break our fasts?' Fia nodded standing up.

'Take a nap Tyrion,' Fia said and he closed his eyes. 'In a proper bed,' she suggested 'while I talk to Lord Robb.' Tyrion peeled his eyes open as Fia followed Robb off.

'I'm actually wide awake!' Tyrion called after her but he stumbled on drunken legs. "Fia!"

'Hello Bran, aren't you a handsome one.' Fia noted choosing to sit by Bran instead of Robb. Ned's face pinched into a smile as Fia glanced down the table at him. 'Thank you for the dance at the feast yesterday, you are going to woe all the ladies one day.' Fia added. Bran smiled up at her. Tommen was babbling on about snow with Marcella while the starks piled in, piling food onto their plates. Tyrion came in thoroughly annoyed there was one spot left, Tyrion sat across from Fia. She smiled over at him as he poured himself a glass of wine.

'Fia we are going for a ride today, perhaps you would like to join us?' Ned suggested.

'I would.' Fia agreed slipping off her shoe and stretching her leg out under the table. 'Fresh air always wakes me up in the morning,' she said sweetly as she popped a cherry in her pulling the stem free as her foot found Tyrion's leg. He sucked in a breath, choking on his drink and Fia pulled her foot back but he grabbed it, keeping her on him. She held back a laugh as Robb started talking but she wasn't focused, well she was focused, but not on Robb. Tyrion sucked in his bottom lip as her toes traced his thigh. She smiled sweetly bringing her own drink to her lips.

'Sofia?' Bran questioned tapping her arm and her eyes drifted to the boy, her foot once again falling away but Tyrion grabbed it, his fingers kneading into her foot.

'Yes sweetie?' Fia questioned, a satisfied smile on her lips.

'Can I show you how high I can climb?' Bran questioned and Catelyn slapped her hand down on the table. 'I mean, I don't climb anymore.' Bran told her.

"Why not show her the red leaf tree?" Jon suggested and Fia smiled down at him before bending down to Bran's ear.

"Can we climb the tree?' she whispered and he nodded excitedly.

'COME ON!" he declared and Fia pulled her foot free slipping it back into its shoe under the table before Bran pulled her away. Rickon and their wolves, Shaggy dog and Summer greeted them once they got outside. Tyrion wasn't worried about the little lords but he kept a close eye on Robb and Ned, because of course, who wouldn't want Fia as a wife or a daughter, she was like sunshine, a smile and laugh so contagious.

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