22. Those traitors heads

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'Uncle. Father. No dont get up.' Tyrion said entering his tent, his crew of misfits behind him.

'Tyrion.' Tywin said unimpressed. But then he saw Sofia. 'Sofia!' Tywin said standing up and welcoming her with open arms. 'You poor thing you have been through quite the ordeal.' Tywin coed smoothing out her hair, Tywin thought it best to keep the last Baratheon on their side considering her brothers were in an open rebellion.

'We have.' Fia agreed. Tywin pulled out his chair for her. Fia had only met tywin a few times but he was always kind to her and now was no different.

'I want you to know we are doing everything we can to get those traitors heads.' Tywin told her

'Good riddance.' Fia muttered. 'After what she tried to do! Catelyn tried to have flown through a moon door! Not as cool as it sounds.' Fia informed him as he slide her a glass of wine. She took a long sip before continuing. 'Especially when you are being threatened to be pushed out of said moon door.'

'Sofia darling we are all do glad you are okay.' Tywin told her resting a hand on her shoulder he glared over at tyrion as he spoke.

'Me as well,' tyrion added. 'I know you must have been in a straight panic over my absence as well.'

'Tyrion-' tywin went on as Fia grabbed some bread from the table. 'The rumors of your demise were unfunded.' Tywin informed him.

'Sorry to disappoint you' Tyrion said sitting down opposite him.

'And who are these companions of yours?' Tywin asked.

'This is Shugga son of Dolph chief of the stone crows. Timett son of timett ruler of the burned men. This fair maid is chella daughter of cheyk the leader of the black and here we have Bronn son of...' Tyrion trailed off looking to Bronn.

'You wouldn't know him,' Bronn said

'May I present my Lord father Tywin son of Tytos of house lannister. Lord of Castlery rock warden of the west...' Tyrion told his new... friends. He looked to his father nervously. 'Kind of you to go to war for me and Fia' Tyrion said reaching for the wine but Tywin pulled it away.

'You left us no choice the honor of the house was at stake, your brother would never have submitted to capture so meekly.' Tywin informed him.

'We have our differences Jaime, he is brave, and I am better looking,' Tyrion said cheerfully.

'Tyrion.' Tywin said annoyed rubbing at his head, he glanced out the tent flaps.

'He's been covering himself in glory Jaime has... now they siege Riverrun Catelyn Starks homeland-' Kevan told him.

'The Lord Eddard stark is our hostage he will lead no armies from his dungeons..' Tywin informed Tyrion.

'How did my sweet sister convinced the king to imprison his best friend?' Tyrion questioned

'The king is dead.' Tywin informed him. 'The king is dead, Joffrey is now the king.' Tywin informed them and Fia choked on her wine looking up to him. 'Oh I'm sorry my dear.' Tywin said as Fia wiped at her lips.

"Robert is... dead?' Fia questioned.

'I'm so sorry, a hunting accident.' Tywin told her and Fia felt the food and wine she had just consumed coming back up.

'Excuse me.' she mumbled running out and promptly vomiting and then sobbing into her hands a mess on the ground.

'My sister rules you mean?' Tyrion countered his gaze going outside, hearing little sobs of Fia outside the tent.

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