29. True Bloodline

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'Take her.' Joffrey demanded and Fia tried to pull away.

'What's going on?' She questioned defensively.

'You're family are a bunch of rebellious traitors.' Joffrey told her.

'My family? You are a Baratheon, same as me!' Fia shouted as guards grabbed her again. 'Tyrion!' She exclaimed, trying to pull free, her body thrashing at their bruising grip.

'Your grace what is the meaning of this!' Tyrion exclaimed seeing the panicked look in Fia's eyes.

'Exterminating a problem.' Joffrey told him. 'She is an awful traitor, just like her brothers.' Joffrey told him.

"What? No, no I'm not!" Fia exclaimed still pulling to no use. Bronn pulled his sword forward ready to defend Fia but more Kings guard stepped forward.

'She is no traitor.' Tyrion assured him. 'Please, let her go and we can have a discussion, there is no need for violence.'

'Tyrion,' Fia whimpered, tears in her eyes.

'She is to be put to death for her sins.' Joffrey demanded and Fia's face paled her eyes locked on Tyrion.

'What! No. Fia hasn't done anything. She will swear loyalty to you.'' Tyrion declared and Fia nodded.

'I will, I don't want the crown. You are the king, the one true king, please!" Fia sobbed.

It was like deva vu though. Fia stepped forward her heart pounding in her chest her breath shaky as she stood before the town and joffrey she looked to tyrion nervously he offered her a hopeful smile.

'I am.. Sofia... Baratheon...' she looked to Tyrion, tears in her eyes. "I come before you to declared... in the sight of gods and men.' Her voice shook as she spoke, her whole body shaking with panic "Let the high septon and Baelor the blessed bear witness to what I say. Joffrey Baratheon... is the one true heir to the Iron Throne... my traitorous brothers and I have no... claim... to the crown...' Joffrey smiled pompously, Cersei had a sneer of her own. Tyrion felt as though he couldn't breathe. 'By the grace of all the Gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the Realm." Fia finished and she glanced back at Joffrey.

"As we sin... So do we suffer. This woman has confessed in sight of Gods and men. The Gods are just but beloved Baelor taught us they can also be merciful. What is to be done with this traitor, Your Grace?" Joffrey waved a hand settling the crowd, there was a mix of shouts of anger for Sofia's situation and cheers demanding her head.

"You and your brothers are awful traitor.' Joffrey told her as she was held on the stage her chest heaving with every labored breath. 'Your bloodline, is corrupt, your generation, it needs to end.'

"What?' her voice barely as rasp as she looked to Tyrion.

'Your grace,' Tyrion stepped forward.

'As long as I am Your King treason shall never go unpunished. Ser Ilyn, bring me her head!" Joffrey exclaimed and Fia screamed out, tears in her eyes.

'No, no, Tyrion, please!' Fia sobbed and Tyrion hated that she cried out for him and there was nothing he could do to stop it. They held her down as she squirmed still crying out for Tyrion. Tyrion pleaded and begged tears in his eyes but Joffrey wouldn't hear it. Cersei smirked as Joffrey's executioner swung his blade and Fia's terrified face locked onto Tyrion as the blade severed her head from her neck. Tyrion collapsed to the ground. Joffrey would pay for this. He would make sure of it.

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