12. The wall

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'If that were a real sword you would be dead. Lord snow here grew up in the castles he looks down on the likes of you. Do you think Ned Starks bastard bleeds like the rest of us?' one of the Crows stepped forward to dual Jon but Jon got him down easily.

'Next!' the commander shouted again and again Jon took down each man

'Next!' He said two men approached Jon knocked them both down. 'Well Lord snow it looks you are the least useless person here.' Fia laughed from above, Jon was good. Probably the only one actually trained by a real swordsman but Jon didn't look happy. For each win the rest of the men, and boys got more and more mad at Jon. At his skills.

'go clean yourselves up there's only so much I can stomach in a day.' The commander said gruffly before walking off.

'Charming man,' Tyrion said watching from above.

'I don't need him to be charming I need him to turn this bunch of thieves and runaways into men of the nights watch.' Commander Mormont told Tyrion.

'Perhaps Jon can whip them into shape?' Fia offered.

'Yes, and how is that going commander Mormont?' Tyrion added.

'Slowly' he admitted 'the raven came for Ned Starks son,' he handed the note to Tyrion.

'Good news or bad?' Tyrion questioned taking the scroll, Fia peered over his shoulder as he opened it.


'Can we stop back at winterfell on the way back?' Fia questioned. 'I want to check on Bran.'

'Of course, besides there are not many places up north with actual beds,' Tyrion reminded her.

'When we were at winterfell I recall you spending more time in the stables than in my bed.' Fia whispered.

"Yes a regret of mine, but I assure you there will be less ale and more love this time around.' Tyrion informed her.


'You broke my nose bastard!' Jon turned around to them, the three men he had easily taken down.

'It's an improvement,' Jon said smugly and he was grabbed immediately from behind a knife shoved to his throat.

'we can throw you over the wall and not even the wolves will find you.' They warned.

'What you're looking at half man?' they question Tyrion as he came in, watching them. Fia came in after him looking to a slightly distraught Jon.

'You alright Jon?" Fia questioned hesitantly, if a fight broke out she wasn't much use. Jon just stared down at Tyrion as he got closer.

'I'm looking at you' Tyrion said 'Yes you've got an interesting face. Very distinctive faces all of you.'

'What do you care about our faces?'

'It's just I think they would look marvelous decorating spikes in Kings Landing perhaps I will tell my sister the queen about it.' Tyrion told them. Catching on Fia spoke up.

"Or my brother, the King.' She added sweetly. Tyrion was so smart sometimes.

'We will talk later' he muttered removing a sword from Jon's neck as they all left.

'Everyone knew what this place was, nobody told me,' Jon told Tyrion and Fia, as they approached, 'no one but you. My father knew and he left me to rot all the same.' Jon said ashamed.

'His father left him outside the wall when he was three and Pip was caught stealing a wheel of cheese his little sister that hadn't eaten in three days...' Tyrion said pointing at his accusers. 'He was given a choice of the right hand or the wall... I've been asking the commander it's interesting stories.' Tyrion told him.

'And you know we love a good story.' Fia added, smiling sweetly at the Crows.

'Everybody hates me because I am better than they are!' Jon told them, shooting the Crows a glare.

'It's a lucky thing none of them are trained by a master of arms like you were. I don't imagine any of them have held a real sword before they came here.' Tyrion glanced at the two who had held Jon hostage moments before. 'Oh your brother Bran has woken up.' Tyrion said delivering him the note.

'He's okay? Jon questioned taking the note.

'He's alive.' Fia told him hopefully.

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